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Everything posted by tank34

  1. Top man is davie an his bitch is a nice strong little dog,iww davie makes nice bit of grub to
  2. Nice pictures davie, pup looking well mate
  3. Looks a nice pup how much foxhound an type of lurcher pup got in it mate
  4. tank34


    Any luck in seeing your dog's mate,I tell as many people I can to look on Facebook an two have stoped sending them money every month
  5. Can you not find a bitch out of same lines mate,he looks well good luck mate
  6. You have some very nice dogs an look well looked after mate do like the rough coated dog how's it bread mate
  7. Thay love playing tug of war but turns in to a scrap both got fire in em,would like to see how rest of pups are doing,come on lads put pic of your pups up out of lurcher2020 litter
  8. Don't no how to put pic up Davie think daz can will get him to try put some up tomorrow,both coming on well,fast learners
  9. Give her a good kick an if that not sort her out there's always the shock coller mate
  10. Think the f&m w.t.c have a website mate
  11. You may think you no the rock piles you work but they do change with digs an movement of the ground,I no a wood with about 7 rock piles in it and the older boys always said they don't join up,but we had dog in one an 100yards or more away one bolts an hour or so later dog came out of the same pile the Fox bolted from.
  12. Good read that pk thanks for putting it up
  13. Collars are good an bad in piles some ive done dog in 2 mins an dog is off boxs,b an f collars look to big for rock work
  14. Some nice dogs you got mate do like the black an tans
  15. Thing with rock some days you will get a fast bolt dog in an out in no time an there's the days dog in 6 hour or a lot more before you get a bolt an then dog to find its way back out some go that deep you cart find dog with finder,some times it can take dog hour or more to find its way out
  16. Last one i had sted head bit my nose of an when i was getting the better of him his two sted head mates jump in an i got a good kicking.
  17. Been a good topic this was hopping some pups be about from two rock dogs am in no rush will keep looking
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