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Posts posted by tank34

  1. 6 minutes ago, mackem said:

    Not on that tank,it’s organic fire,not hydro,I take a few pics when I am in there tomorrow.

    I know some use pgr I don't like it think you can tast it even when been flushed , my pal did some in this poly tunnel last year , he used chicken shit an nettles as feed , plants did really well not loads of buds but was hard an not bad smoke auto flower he did ?

    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, talpa said:

    If you’ve got public spaces like Recs, village green, sports fields and worst of all carrying a spade!! cemeteries, you need to get there just before dawn or in dark. Use a trap that doesn’t show when set or fired - you’ve got Trapline, Putange and nomol to use.  Cover the trap site with hill soil to look like a molehill and mark it with something natural - twigs, twisted grass, patted soil a few feet away either side from the trap. I’ve also made false set sites by digging a turf and placing it beside the hole so that they are drawn to interfere and find no trap.

    I use purtangs cut out traps in back fill put sod back in , think will have todo in dark as place is riddled in mole I clear it two three week later green keeper wants me back it's sounded by moor land moles just keep coming ?

    • Like 1
  3. 28 minutes ago, TOMO said:

    only gas mate....but unless your a pesty you wont be able to buy it....

    and whilst aluminium phosphide is an extremely  deadly gas to anything that breaths it in...including us....im not convinced its that good on moles.... of course if they breath it in it will kill them....i just think the tight and often collapsed tunnels of a mole run make it ineffective     

    It's full of dog walker so probably not the best thing to use , thanks for reply pal?

  4. This is from the hunts Facebook group 

    An incident occurred on Saturday while The Cottesmore Hunt were trail hunting around the Whissendine area.
    The huntsman needed to jump a gate, but found it obstructed by 2 members of the Sabotuers Association.
    On video, he can clearly be heard asking them to allow him access to jump the obstacle, but they remained on the gate. An experienced horseman, on a very capable horse, Sam assessed the situation, verbally warned of his intentions to jump the gate and requested they keep clear, he viewed his line over the gate and jumped. As his horse took off, it is clear to see that the previously stationary person moved, deliberately putting themselves in the path of the jumping horse, potentially causing injury to themselves, the horse and Sam.
    A horse will not intentionally tread on an other being, and Sam’s horse, an experienced and very clever animal did his best to avoid the person that had put themselves in his path as he took off for the fence, however a moving object is hard to avoid and unfortunately his feet made contact.
    The extreme reaction of the Saboteurs present did no more than amplify their desperation to discredit The Cottesmore Hunt.
    The Saboteurs called 999 and summonsed an ambulance for a person who walked 3 fields to get to the road, they had 2 of their own vehicles present and could very easily have saved the over stretched ambulance service a call out. 
    They also had 3 police cars, again wasting the time of an overstretched service to create a social media worthy story. 
    Their desperation as our trail hunting season draws to a close is to cause trouble and create stories purely because they know we are trail hunting legally and have no just reason to be abusing and terrorising the hunt staff and followers.
    In addition, they have attacked on social media, Stapleford Park Hotel, who had no involvement with the meet or our days trail hunting, proving that the Saboteurs Association intend to cause distress to countryside businesses regardless of their lack of involvement with the Cottesmore. 
    This incident could potentially have caused injury or death to Sam and his horse and we are investigating potential criminal charges against the hunt saboteur.

    • Like 10
  5. 9 minutes ago, Daniel cain said:

    Folks on here  banging on that LED'S are no good,what do you make of them Mack? I swapped over around 6/7 yrs ago,found I had to add an extra heat source for when the lights went out stop the rot forming last 2 weeks,When everything acclimatized I was getting almost 2 Oz more a plant, across the board on 10/12 different strains,buds look the same,but dense like nothing seen before,just using Coco A and B and Headmaster for boost,no need for a pk or bulking agent?

    They have come along way since first being introduced ,some have gone up in price others down...first units we bought were £1200 /£1400 per light.

    2 weeks between both pics...DSC_3509.JPG.6f723b6126c10404c5f61a2bd754528c.JPGDSC_3571.JPG.a33f8e8da2bc754477dac3808f5af7e6.JPG

    Don't think there's much difference between lights but price , look good them mate ?

    • Like 1
  6. 18 minutes ago, northern lad said:

    You're right tank,but I simply couldn't afford to do that..likes been said,plenty want them but I got off my arse and went to the trouble/expense of taking the greyhounds on and doing it..a good friend of mine was gifted one...another pup was being gifted but there was only one bitch..I enjoy having the greyhounds and put a lot of time into them,it's not a chore,but surely I can't be expected to do all the work year round,pay for it all and then just give the pups away to strangers on the Internet.As I said earlier I could have sold these pups at least five times over...the first one going through the ad is going to London to a good owner and will be a lamping dog..

    I get what your saying , you could probably get twice as much for pups on beddy sites on Facebook to pet home , good luck with pups hope thay get the working homes you want pal ?any pics of greyhound an beddy you used be nice to see ?

    • Like 3
  7. 8 hours ago, northern lad said:

    I'm guessing this is aimed at me...mine are going to working homes..at a decent price...I didn't put them on here because of things like this..you said you would rather breed your own for 600..I think you'll find kenneling,feeding,bedding,cleaning worming  ,jabbing a greyhound year round and rearing a litter will cost treble this..if you're lucky..

    Some lads do all that an still gift pups away £600 is alot of money for a working dog that may not make any good ?

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