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Everything posted by tank34

  1. Cart bet bolting for the dogs mate
  2. Press the more reply options button at bottom of page got to choose a file should find it easy from there mate
  3. lost all numbers in phone will get of daz later an txt you mate
  4. This happened to a pals dog tuck dog to vets did some tests an dog had cushions disease put on tablets dog lost all its muscles in back legs an went daft in head was pts in end , go to vets mate
  5. Looks a rocky spot mate nice to see your post again mate
  6. Tru n l running stuff on its own terms in the daylight and at the right time of the season shows what your dog is really capable of but as you say a few do's on the lamp is good fun, some good races can be found aswell on well ran land but at a fraction of what you get in the day n you always have to be honest with yourself, "GOOD RUN THAT", "BUT WOULD IT HAVE CAUGHT IT IN THE DAY"..true had a good morning on them this morningFB_IMG_1486312523482.jpg good going mate cart beat day time
  7. Go to site ask to talk to man who runs the site , go team handed you may need it ask to fight the man who nicked your dogs only way to deal with em mate , hope you get it sorted an if you need some back up give me a shout am not hard but game an don't like dog thieves mate
  8. Mary got mushrooms book on training lol
  9. Why it bolloks ? My cousins dog was nicked by scrap lads there was seen doing it an dog was never seen again that was 20 year ago , around my way if you leave kids bike in garden the scrap lads take it no nock on your door is that for scrap
  10. so is the post man n milk man.ffspost man an milk man don't nick stuff for your garden like a lot of scrap man do they never ask just take that's just what your misses tells you after she's asked me round to chuck all your unfinished projects on the trucklol I don't have a misses but it is a well none that scrap lad are thieving c**ts an you all shit in same pot I've told em my way my dogs go an you scrap lads will get it win or lose I don't care if you can take man stuff from him garden with out asking then you will nick a man dog
  11. so is the post man n milk man.ffspost man an milk man don't nick stuff for your garden like a lot of scrap man do they never ask just take
  12. Them scrap lads are ones to keep your eye on in an out every one garden , hope she found soon mate
  13. Big hook a nice bit of bread I find the bigger trout go for the bread worm good to I like to trott a float for trout mate
  14. The lad with tanner was he not looking for a Russell stud ?
  15. Hope you find good bitch for him he looks a nice typ mate
  16. do you no if the border x greyhound make any good workers Neil
  17. Any pics of the two you seen lee ? I like my beddy xs I've a old beddy whippet was grate little dog day or night bushed up , marked up worked well with terriers on the rocks hunted up like a hound and only time opened up was in cover but when broke cover yap yap stoped , what size are thay lee an was the ones you seen digging fell put to whippet mate
  18. Fell terrier or fell hound mate ?
  19. Will keep eye out Leeds way hope lad gets dogs back mate
  20. Good on you mate dogs look cracking as always
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