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Everything posted by tank34

  1. Good runner taxed an tested good horse power cheap to run
  2. 5/5 on fen or field coursing man dream this bitch up on em fast run all day long takes bigger game an doing teeth 5 year old the breeding behind this bitch is very old 60 plus years line bred
  3. My beddy whippet over 12 years old sad day when had old ted pts , rip old boy
  4. My old beddy whippet could mark up the rock piles an was never wrong an the little dog could skid over the piles after a bolt he was worked on the piles from young age
  5. Yes thay do deliver mate
  6. Good grub for dogs an good price
  7. Google it he may have web page
  8. Very cold day or the sun out you will find the fox in the rock piles
  9. Fox love the rock piles an hold most of the time loads of earth about me but don't use em much as the rock
  10. Comes with full ped from booth so ped be as true as they come £1000
  11. Know some rock spots on railway banks man made not a place to put dog in as built up with big rock an have big drops where dog can drop down , think anyone getting into rock work should try find old boys who will know the rock piles
  12. No not culls rock is all about the bolt some rock dogs can lose the fox come out drop back in gets job done same dog will stay till dug in earths so not culls
  13. My mate lost his bitch in rock she was over 9 year old an the rock pile she was lost in she worked it for 8 season's very deep place we want back every day for a month never tobe seen again , she was very good in rock always found the pic I put up of black bitch is her daughter
  14. Getting old now but she good in rock if don't move em she will come out an drop back in most times get your bolt
  15. My young bitch marking up the rock
  16. some pic of rock piles all deep spots , a good rock dog needs very good nose an a bit hard to get em moving for bolt
  17. Thay both from same litter the blue an tan ones mate
  18. Nice them blue an tan ones we're the tan come from Dave think been some lakey in out x lads have used ?
  19. Presa mayo got of Facebook one ugly thing how long before it's over a greyhound
  20. Bird do you no how buck litter mates turned out ?
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