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Everything posted by tank34

  1. Man I know dose this gives people bitches takes two litters out then bitch is there's to keep he pays for food any vet bill , when pups 8 week old there sold most are ordered an deposit payed , he makes big money out of it
  2. Look at price on the adds shocking
  3. Soon as said had a few litters on I'd have been gone
  4. Only have on dog lined up same way bred as my bitch over 26tts big strong dog got till December time to make my mind up
  5. My bitch is 23tts game bitch be coming up to 5 year old she racey an has some speed about her
  6. Anyone run the beddy bull greyhound or beddy Wheaton greyhound , going take litter from my 3/8 beddy 5/8 greyhound got dog lined up same way bred both dogs do job in hand , just thinking a bit of bull or Wheaton may make better dog for the job , bitch only comes in season one's a year so lots of time to think ?
  7. Sounds like bitch has landed in good home an going see a bit to ?
  8. Make you wonder why a dog that can work well is in rescue centre
  9. Mates bitch gave birth week before dew date 4 still born
  10. Hope bitch is ok , secend litter iv heard of this past two weeks mate
  11. It's not adding beddy to improve the black dog its added to improve the beddy
  12. Or why the bull Russell was it not to add gameness an size for a job ??
  13. Some lads do dig to beddys or beddy types some are a bit big for fox job so as the lads like the beddy will out cross to bring size but will add beddy back in crate a type that suit them , like saying why was bull type added to black dogs ??
  14. The beddy type seem to make better dogs an if pups make good then most add beddy back in then beddy again
  15. If was no ban Wheaton or bull would add to my bitch , seen very good beddy greyhound deerhound greyhound on lamp before ban lad only ran fox an deer , a type you don't see about as much , was some beddy greyhound collie greyhound pups on here bit back any one know how this litter turned out think ritchy lads name was , would you use a beddy with drop of fell in for the beddy greyhound type that worked to ground yes not be true beddy greyhound but I could live with drop of fell if pups did what beddy greyhound should do an been honest with pups you pass on
  16. Better chance in pups working Charlie I'd say from earth working stuff if that's your game
  17. The beddy or beddy types working to ground are about just very hard to come by , know of 3 lad that keep an work this type to ground most weeks , kc money shows f****d the bedlington , finding the right bedlington to start first cross I'd say be the hard part , I'd say best fox lurcher I had was a beddy greyhound half x long gone now she tuck anything day an night hard as nails rabbits live to hand , bitch could hunt up like an hound had two more from her one jacked an bitch have now gameness about the same but finding an hunting up not a patch on my old bitch , the beddy whippet an beddy grey
  18. Should of put worked to ground be rock piles drains or earths still think be better beddy to put to greyhound , one that bushed up , catch fox an get stuck in for me both work types be better then say just a rabbiting dog to start the first cross beddy greyhound
  19. Bitch come from Doncaster of traveller sit
  20. Well could be as not a x you hear of will try find out
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