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Everything posted by tank34

  1. Got two pairs coming soon from very good stock some pic look smart chicks ?
  2. Will have look thanks there my grandson he likes them me to something a bit different ?
  3. Man who got them from Said there rozer aseels ? I'm just getting into game birds so don't no much pal ?
  4. Good looking birds them ? there good stamp for breed pal ?
  5. Stag an hen growing well hope get some chicks next year from them
  6. UK purtangs supplies flatpack sell them pal? try find main runs cumming in your garden good luck ?
  7. I had 20 plus defender tunnel traps rest are flat pack , UK purtangs supplies and Pest stop I used to get the odd mole still alive an it was the defender traps there out of my kit now an don't get alive moles , good traps putting traps in strate runs then only should be dead moles in traps ?
  8. Might be some hives close by or wild nest mate ?
  9. There honey bees getting water to make the wax pal
  10. Only ever seen Nepalese temple ball the one time an that was back in 90s ?
  11. Goldseal not seen that in years or any hash old hippy mate used to get it , he had some called temple ball think that was name of it that was some nice dope ?
  12. My pal live at cost he a sea fisher man he fed his dogs mackerel skins dogs had right shine to there coats
  13. I'd go see school have word , school I do I put purtangs in as kids play on field cut out traps in back fill put sod back in no markers ?
  14. Some pay end of month do a golf course that pay end of month when thay do there books could be same with school pal
  15. Only up road from me is calverly mate ?
  16. Only give £40 for them both in good nick ?
  17. Get mole trapper in plenty on here that trap moles pal ?
  18. Got pair to give a go see how get on with them my grandson likes them so there his ?
  19. Three garden jobs checked today a bit of rain moles are back out ?
  20. Some hen pecking going on in pen but when let out there sound had some eggs of them to , thanks for sorting hens out mate?
  21. 3 new ginger hens to go with my cock an hen
  22. Like I said depends we're you work your dogs ?
  23. That all depends on ground you work , no matter how good a dog is it can't dig through rock ?
  24. A woman buys a rod and reel for her grandson’s birthday. As she doesn't know which one to get, she just grabs one and goes over to the counter. A Wal-Mart associate is standing there wearing dark glasses. She says, "Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me anything about this rod and reel?" He says, "Ma'am, I'm completely blind; but if you'll drop it on the counter, I can tell you everything you need to know about it from the sound it makes." She doesn't believe him but drops it on the counter anyway. He says, "That's a six-foot Shakespeare graphite rod with a Zebco 404 reel and 10lb test line. I
  25. 5 days feed 2 days water , read the plant not the flower time says on packet ?
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