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Everything posted by tank34

  1. Rotherham just tip of iceberg Muslims been rapping young white girls up an down country , 17 years a Councillor has kept a diary of one of the victims away from the police the young girl died of a smack overdose what was injectioned by Pakistani who was grooming the girl he got 3 an half years for it no charges for rapping the girl , over 50 towns an city's this has been going on am swept under carpet
  2. So liebour have voted against a full inquire into Muslim grooming gangs , what are liebour hiding from us ? Starmer swept Jimmy Savile under carpet now this , to liebour white young girls don't matter an it's OK for Pakistani Muslim to abuse an rape our children , be different story if white men was rapping Muslim girls
  3. Good mate hope you had good one to
  4. Very nice borders Martin good heads on both
  5. Look good meat pigs be freezer full there pal
  6. I've seen carp for sale at fish market always thought it's a waste as fish myself , but will take trout to eat , I think with carp we see as a fish to catch an put back not for the pot , you planning to eat more carp with rearing an growing your own food pal
  7. Salt an brown sugar mix or get cur mix mate
  8. Pig gone to slaughter house should of been two but loading was nightmare other pig going next week ,going have go at doing bacan this time
  9. It's to cripple family farms so thay sell , it be big corporation company will buy up turn into wind an solar farms , rewilding , the government don't want farming as we know it , get ready for plant based crap an bug burgers
  10. My two bore cost me £400 from start to finish that buying piglets , feeds , slaughtered an butchered got half pig done in sausage to , sold some made half my money back gave kids plenty an plenty in my freezer
  11. My pal did some Tamworth meat was very nice better tast then my last two pigs
  12. Next lot do will be doing at 6 months old would do bores again as grow fast , it's all leaning am enjoying keeping pigs so are kids an get to eat some top quality meat
  13. Going to try do some bacon from them there about ten months old grown on to long I think new to keeping pigs , two bores did meat to fat was spot on , you sending all 3 pal
  14. Be sending one or both to slaughter next week saddle back cross
  15. Got trio of young Oxford ginger and trio of gypsy faced Oxford for sale not bantams leeds if any good
  16. Looks lovely bacon going try do some myself next time
  17. Was talking with old pal today he said to make pig head cheese bold pig head up will give try next pigs slaughter pic found looks nice
  18. Be nice to see how bacon turns out an how you cured it , have two more pigs to slaughter going in two week , just on look for some lambs fatten up for Christmas
  19. Thay just got dog out some dig in old rock piles well done to all involved getting dog out
  20. Most will do owt for fame and money , been a sick pedophile is part of been in the club , pedowood , BBC itv losts more all part of the club an wanting to bring age of sex down to 12 year old , hang the lot I say
  21. It will of sold its sole to the devil
  22. I keep bees been shit year with weather queen's not getting back when go out to mate hive become nasty with no queen
  23. We was frog marched to church every Sunday morning even farther of church picked on us , say one of us messed about , soon as got back you get beats , school was same we was called them kids from care home , no matter who you told you was a lier Nuns are lovely people when really there the devil
  24. It come across as taking the piss , if it was not then I apologise to you dai
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