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tank34 last won the day on June 24 2024

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2,369 Excellent

About tank34

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 21/05/1977

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  • Location
    west yorkshire

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  1. Should keep you in bacon for a bit , looks banging
  2. Lovely not tried smoking yet , will have to give it ago soon
  3. Some say the pope is anti christ , trumps doing what he said he would do sort the country out for it's people , other side tried alsorts to get rid of trump but he won , maybe your right he is anti christ , or it's shit put about to keep people busy like some conspiracy that get put about , the rabbit hole a dangerous place glad I got out of it as it can mess with your head , who would you want in power trump or Biden
  4. What makes you think he's anti christ ?
  5. Yes but full of pgr , have read up on pgr not good for you
  6. Just do 3 or 4 lambs at a time had sheep before found easy to keep just had two , have slaughtered give land rest start again
  7. It's worth doing and very rewarding at the end , freezer full of top quality pork
  8. I get my pig feed from goldthorp animal feed just over £400 a ton free delivery super growers 40 25kg sacks
  9. I heard that about 5 year ago jfk Jr was alive an will come out but trump lost last time so stayed in hiding so thay say , now trump back in power I don't think jfk Jr will rise from the dead
  10. My pal fed his twice as much feed as i did an his was just fat , I think with traditional breeds you to watch what you feed them as can put alot of fat on , I've done GOS was good meat pigs so was saddle back cross , I feed mine alot of veg , bred and super growner feed high protein thay do well on it , hope you do well with pigs get plenty of good meat
  11. Do you get kill weight an how lean meat is from your slaughter house , I use pennys thay email me it all , I been told best age in 6, 7 months old after that pigs just put fat on
  12. Look good pigs nice back on them , my last 2 was twats to load ended up taking one at at time both killed out at over 100kg thay got some strength have pigs
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