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Everything posted by volunteer

  1. could do with that now ..almost taste it
  2. blast from the past there mate ,used to use the blue and silver comet years ago along with the black fury deadly they were... . but for rainbow and brownies mind you
  3. oh father why are you so sad on this bright Easter morn when Irish men are proud and glad of the land where they where born....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. volunteer


      funny , i've never heard their version :)

    3. turkish


      very good mate. good film on later wind that shakes barley. check it out very good

    4. Joe67


      that is a good film :) seen it a few times

  4. there will some soaked shirts this weekend thats for sure
  5. Oh you be quiet as quiet as you have been the last eight weeks
  6. That ice cream will be long melted before that happens. plenty of big freezers in Ayrshire
  7. " we're having jelly and ice cream when the rangers die " jelly and ice cream when the rangers die "
  8. mods should merge this with the rangers thread
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