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Everything posted by oxfordfowler

  1. You need to get a permit to shoot on the merse. Visit the Wigtown Bay LNR website and you can print off an application form for a weekly ticket. Takes a week or so to come through - if there are vacancies and it's free. OXF
  2. oxfordfowler


    All booked up for the final weekend
  3. Hi Annie, Welcome to the site - enjoy. Nice to see another one from sunny OX on here. OXF
  4. Totally agree with you on the breasting. First paragraph of the news letter worrying as well - hunt is still on for a new club sec
  5. Here's some more 4 Bore porn for you poor souls out there with only a meager 12. Muzzle loading double - capable of putting out 6 oz (but 4oz is more than enough), firing 6oz is like being kicked by a horse. Still it is great fun to use but only if you've got your breath back after carrying it!!!
  6. HCC - how the hell do you get photo's to load on this site
  7. Hi HCC Just spent half an hour getting this to load with no success so the other half did it in 5 minutes. Not the Pic I wanted to show that is still stuck on the video cam. This Pic is from Friday evening, cloud disappeared just as the Ducks started to move. Some of you may recognise the dog
  8. Well HCC you were right about it being sweltering - wearing chest waders I felt like a boil in the bag wildfowler. And the tide did not peak until nearly 10.00 !!!. I went out Saturday on the other side of the river from where you went - 4 shots for 2 widgeon . There were numerous shots from over the river, you must have picked the wrong day :cray: . Still plenty of time left, guess that's the fun of wildfowling. Can;t get the photo's to load ???
  9. Nice write up and Pics HCC. Looking at the forecast I'm going to be sunbathing on Saturday then!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Hi - just found and join this site. Looking forward exchanging views and info.
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