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Everything posted by AndyKelly

  1. three days of ferreting on the belt on new permission finally paid off with a big un! after being wet on day one and having to chase the dog on day two,day three started off more promising. no rain this morning ( an added bonus) but at 8am a thick fog started to roll down the valley and i thought it was gonna be another pants day. then the sun came up and burnt it off pretty quickly. so i dodged the farmer ( otherwise i wouldnt get to lay a net, he can talk for england lol ) and hoofed up the valley to a bit of land i noticed yesterday that looked promising. many nets later, nearly every
  2. sounds like we need a recipe board pinned lads!! lol
  3. could you put a picture up bud as we have recently treat a ferret with a swollen stomach and it was liver problems
  4. start small. a few nets a trusty ferret and a spade and the first thing you gotta get is confidence. small sets, a handful of nets and a bit of patience till you see if you like it. then you can add gear bit by bit then you will need a 4x4 to carry all the crap lol
  5. always thought it would be great if some clever person could bring out a micro chip than is imbedded into the ferrets neck that transmits a signal to a box would be so more comfortable for a ferret
  6. here we go again........................................................same story different day
  7. i rescued one last year she had an abcess that came up treat it,went down, came back up again kept her going and eventually she gave up. i agree with raw too many closley related ferrets these days seems to be weakening some ferret lines. for the non serious ferreter this can have disastrous results in years to come. even now i hear of deformed ferrets regually, kits being born with three legs etc etc. someone i no was dumped with a litter of 14 deformed kits last season. i wish people would leave the breading to people who no what there doing and dont interbreed
  8. because my ferrets are getting on in years i rescued a ferret a month ago and decided to give her a look out to see if she was any good. as she had come into me covered in ticks i had a funny feeling that there was a possibility that she had been worked before. slept in this morning and got myself in the usual paddy with the wife as i was losing valuable ferreting time cause i was late,went down to the chicken shed,chucked them a handful of food and was off. was not amused when i was driving up to my permission as the sky's looked heavy and a wind was whipping up but when i arrived it was li
  9. might not be a case of travelling further you just need a good bout of cold weather to put them down the burrows there is alot still sitting out on my permission
  10. all poke nets are sold at the moment got to get knitting
  11. there was a program on channel four not so long ago called jamie in the forest and after checking for tb on the badger they made badger ham and nearly puked when they ate it it was quite funny to watch but i will deffo not be eating it
  12. a 3ft 6 ins net........yeah not a problem!!! BUT has anyone ever stopped to ask the width dimension of a net? simple answer in my opinion is no with many net sellers on fleabay and on here i have looked at them all and with some you can get a net for £1.60 which seems like a good idea at the time does anyone realize that it comes with a width dimension of 13 meshes and that's it. the rabbits seem to be getting bigger where we are and im not really sure if a net that is only 13 meshes wide could catch a buck or even a larger doe. the main idea of a purse net is to have plenty of b
  13. poke nets are good for double holes and tricky bits there alot wider than a standard net (20 meshes wide) and have been there when i need them. dont use them all the time but have 10 in my bag for when needed
  14. james well beloved mixed with kitten biscuits and wet down for fluid intake have 8 happy healthy ferrets. they get livers as a treat after a hard day in the field.
  15. a ferret is.......a ferret i dont give a dam what its called,what it looks like, what shape it is all im bothered about is the fact as long as it shifts rabbits i'm happy
  16. he dosent have the facilities to take any card only paypal,cheque,postal orders
  17. can you not send him a cheque??
  18. large nets 20 meshes wide at widest point for tricky or double holes. i have caught three bunnies in these with ease out of a double holer £3 each plus post and packing http://i1066.photobucket.com/albums/u416/andybop12/P9210010_zps37a9c630.jpg http://i1066.photobucket.com/albums/u416/andybop12/P9210008_zps453227c8.jpg
  19. generous 6ft fox nets made with 1.3 cross braid cord finished with 3mm gold drawcord http://i1066.photobucket.com/albums/u416/andybop12/bd1b7ee7.jpg http://i1066.photobucket.com/albums/u416/andybop12/c6821843.jpg fox nets are £7.50 each plus post and packing
  20. 10 quality homemade purse nets 3ft 6 x 17 meshes at widest point £25 all in including postage and packing http://i1066.photobucket.com/albums/u416/andybop12/b3fe9500.jpg http://i1066.photobucket.com/albums/u416/andybop12/85bb8cdb.jpg
  21. off out with my mate yesterday at 7am off to our usual haunt . decided to go down to the farmhouse and clear a few burrows. put my ferret down and one of his behind it and then the fur started to fly.........not off the rabbits of the bleeding ferrets!. they didnt seem to like each other and had a right go so once we had untangled them decided it was better to work them seperatly. put the collar on fred and decided to see what all the ho ha was about with locators. fair enough it was showing 16ft but he was alot further down than that looking like a muppet waving the box everywhere and nothin
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