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Everything posted by AndyKelly

  1. like the one says any net will catch a rabbit but a wider net seems to hold the rabbit better if you go for anything in spun poly try to get it 17 -20 meshes wide then its enough to dispatch the rabbit in the net anything less and the rabbit can twist out
  2. take in any ferret mate i rehomed 32 of the little furry's last year i would never refuse one
  3. still seem to be pulling 25-30 when we get out, occasionally 13-15 but judging by what other people are saying i consider myself lucky that it sems not bad considering
  4. phone north east ferret rescue bud 01661 835060 ask for gill or andy there pretty much in the no with vet prices round here
  5. 2 and a eight gets everything through bar the rabbits in spun poly
  6. got plenty ready if you want any lads
  7. cracking ferret but personally i would worry about working one that small - what ever predator ferret can come across down sets surly something that small may get a ramming
  8. best wishes for the festive season and a prosperous 2013 to you all
  9. in 40 years of an increasingly growing sport i have never heard that ferrets going down holes to chase rabbits is on the decline.what a load of tosh!
  10. 2 ferrets are getting married in stanley tomorrow hope this works :no:
  11. it was pest control that once i went out in june - at night when it was cool dont like doing it but the villagers asked and i felt at that time i had to respond or lose that bit of permission. i hadnt forgotton about it - in the last few years i can count on one had when a situation like that has cropped up
  12. drop boxes,vhd,mixy and alot of rabbiters in the country, am not surprised that the rabbits are on the decline. 1,500 people on this website so a possible 3,000+ rabbits disappearing every week its going to take a long time for the bunnies to recover from this if we aint careful. can see the possibilities of exhausting the supply. ferreting out of season is rife up here working the hobs and i have seen jills in season being worked too. mabey we need to go back to the old fashioned do not touch approach in the summer months.give them a chance to recoup the bunny loss from march-sept
  13. a bucket of cold water and a scoop of vanish powder in it works a treat if you put them through the washer dont use any soap powder with fabric conditioner cause this can rot the spun poly
  14. you will probably laugh but one of the farmers always drops hints for the wifes homemade jam and beetroot and pickles. took a jar up earlier in the year as a thank you for some apples and he is hooked on the stuff
  15. mrs kelly gets up at 5am, makes my flask and sandwiches and is thankful for the peace and quiet whilst me and the jack russell are out from under her feet. come home to a clean house and me tea ready!
  16. heart,liver.kidneys from and supermarket when your desperate about £1 per pack or see you local butcher mine gives me loads of meat offcuts for free
  17. thought that myself at first mate but its exactly the same at both sides looks a little too uniform to be that
  18. been asked to try and calm a jill down off a lad and when i looked at the teeth the ends of the incisors look like they have been files down, not much but defiantly a couple of millimeters missing from both sides. she is a fair weight but for last years jill still on the very small side. am wondering if her aggression ( my wife can handle her fine) could be down to not eating propley as the missus gave her a bowl of wetted down biscuits and she devoured the whole bowl straight off. as i have never seen this for many years and thought it was a practice that was just about extinct it was a bi
  19. have noticed though since we have just had a couple of bad frosts that they seem to be moving down off the moor onto the hillside
  20. getting a bit dispondent by the lack of rabbits on a bit of my permission i was pondering to the fact that 1....... was there any there or 2 .......had mr farmer introduced drop boxes was discussing it with the missus and she piped up ' it was the end of november last year they started picking up' so i chowed on to the fact how can you remember that as she says get out and try it again and see how it goes so off i toddled with a four hour ferreting gap more out of curiosity than in preparation for a hard days graft.when i approached the sets glancing over at the holes to the eye t
  21. i myself wonder if its a hormonal thing - i have jills that go skinny as anything every year and its always around this time - in a couple of weeks there back up to full weight with winter coats its a worry when they do it to you bud - as long as there eating,pooing and drinking, just keep an eye on them but i use chicken complan from the chemists mix it up with water to a stiff paste and allow to cool. it chucks the weight on mine quite quick
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