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Everything posted by AndyKelly

  1. i use spun poly as it don't rot like hemp used to and make a double purse net for bigger holes or double holes . spun poly comes in diffrent colours so if you ferret with other people you can distinguish your nets at the end of the day
  2. well the jack Russell was up and eager to go at 5am slobbering all over my face as if she knew ferreting season is on the way . arrived at the site where i have permission to be greeted by bunnies running down the hill and stopping right in front of the car!.still alot of scrub around so hit the gardens in the village where the little bleeders hide under the sheds and hauled 20 of them out..No sign of mixy though but had reports that it was on the rampage in neighboring areas.not a bad haul for one man and his dog even if i say so myself.
  3. hi - im demonstrating in the country marquee come and say hi! doing all kinds of rabbit nets and fox nets and teaching people how to make them. lots of other things of intrest there including the north east ferret rescue
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