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About JakeGrocott

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 09/11/1995

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  1. Thanks for all the replies guys! you cant see it very well on the photo but both eyes were completely scabbed over so bad i couldn't open them id never seen it before so i thought it was really strange . And its been gutted and skinned and is soaking in salt water in the fridge waiting to be cooked tomorrow im looking forward to it! ATB Jake
  2. I went out today for my first ever hunt! i went out at about 7:00am and when i got to the field there was rabbits everywhere. A little over eager to shoot i lay prone fired at a rabbit at about 25 yards and the pellet whizzed right over its head, then it and all the other rabbits ran straight into a huge bush set in the middle of the field. After waiting for about 20 minutes a brave rabbit came out of the bush, i watched it for a while waiting for a clean shot. I went down onto my knee, aimed and fired the rabbits fell straight down, kicked his leg for about 5 seconds then went still. I walk
  3. I got some permission! should be going up there on Saturday! will put some pics on if i get anything
  4. Cheers for the advice im going to keep looking! also good to see a fellow stokie on here!
  5. Im already a member of the local rifle club but the blokes there are target shooters, i don't think anyone there actually hunts. Also i don't actually know anyone that hunts so there's no one that i can tag along with. Thanks for the welcome though mate
  6. Hey there im new to this forum so i thought id post here to introduce myself, my name is Jake and im 15 years old, i have been target shooting .22 rim fire lightweight sports rifle for around 4 months now and im competing in my first competition to represent my local club this coming September. I recently purchased my first air gun so i could practice shooting when at home as well as when at the club.I chose a airgun because, of course i cannot legally own a .22 rim fire due to my age i am also VERY interested in hunting but again due to my age finding permission is a very difficult task. The
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