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Everything posted by jessdale

  1. We go every year and camp for the duration. We don't go to any other gamefairs , there is no point, as this one is the biggest and the best.
  2. Do you want me to come and pick it up?
  3. I found a pound coin on the floor at work with a dead moth at the side of it. What kind of moth is it?
  4. The solution to your problem is really simple. Don't buy one.
  5. Suarez was slaughtered by the press, in this country, for not being a role model to the kids. He is now a hero in Spain. Wonder what the European press now think of him?
  6. Have you forwarded the reply to the countryside alliance?
  7. 6 grand dogs?. Most people I have met through thl don't pay £600 for a car never mind 10 times that for a dog/s !
  8. . Cameron stated there would be time for a free vote to repeal the hunting act.If there is any chance at all, and I mean the slightest chance, of the repeal being rejected then the vote should not be put forward. Just think of the headlines if a conservative government couldn't get the ban lifted.
  9. See ya Nigel!!!!!!!!. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  10. I can't believe that Farage won't be moving into number 10?. Everybody on here voted for him so why isn't he president of the world?. This thread has got to be the funniest ever on this forum. Maybe next time lads. Ha ha ha ha? ? ?
  11. It should be the same punishment in every country...get caught bringing drugs in and its the death sentence for you. Simple as
  12. How hard is it to catch a "drunken" man?. Does it really take 25-30 to try and catch a "drunken" man?..
  13. Nobody should need telling who to vote for, least off all the politically savvy THL boys !.
  14. Ukip have slightly more chance of getting in than my 87 year old nan. Yet every vote for the slimeball will put millipeid nearer to number 10. Don't come moaning when the grand plan back fires
  15. Makes me piss myself how you guys can totally believe one set and say the others bullshit. You will be on here in 4-5 years time slagging off the ones you are wanting in. Brilliant.
  16. You can health test generation after generation and a bad mouth can still crop up. There is no health test for a undershot/overshot bite.That's nature for you. There is absolutely NO guarantee with nature . You get a guarantee with a TV, not a dog. End of.
  17. A day out on any shoot in the UK will tell you a gundog does not naturally stop to the flush?
  18. I would think the chance of a refund would be less than zero. YOU "gave her a good overall" so it was you that picked the pup. Living,breathing animals are not manufactured.
  19. I remember the liver bitch mapelhaze nightjar from the trialling scene in the mid '90's. That was a great looking, great performing bitch that made a real impression on me. Do the DD tests class hard mouth as a fault?
  20. Look at the size of its pads !!!!!. Get some more pictures up mate, she is a stunner
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