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Everything posted by jessdale

  1. When I used to follow the Pennine foxhounds regular the huntsmen there had a llewellyn English setter that he worked with a peregrine falcon. She was a lovely small bitch that could cover the ground with serious speed. Very nice thing she was
  2. Same as it has been for many many years. Rytex kennels.
  3. Go on the KC field trial diary and have a look on there.
  4. Back to basics. Stop on the whistle on the lead. Repeat a million times. Stop on the whistle a foot away from you. Repeat a million times. Stop on the whistle two foot away. Repeat a million times. Etc etc. Doing things once is no good. Little steps at a time
  5. What makes you guys believe this statement from the government yet not believe other statement's issued by them??????.
  6. We know absolutely NOTHING that is, or isn't, going on. Absolutely NOTHING.
  7. I can't really do that in the field as its prey drive is more powerfull than apatite , gone back to basics playing and guiding through play training in garden but rewarding with food, so using food for getting it steadier in field really, good or bad move in your opinion mate? You should not be GOING BACK to basics, you should still be on the basics.
  8. But that's the thing, a GOOD hpr, and for good read well trained, is a very rare thing indeed.
  9. Book 6 of Only 25 ltd edition copys of J.Darcy book little dogs with big hearts. It has a leather bound spine and comes in its own box sleeve. The book has not been opened so it is in new condition. What would it be worth?
  10. If the hand signal reassures you use it but get rid of it as soon as you can. The dog may be sitting to the hand signal and not the whistle. The dog may not be able to see you when you require it to stop sometimes. I have seen it alot when the dogs sits to hand and whistle yet ignore the whistle on its own. Walk the dog at heel, off the lead, then blow the stop whistle whilst still walking. It is amazing how many dogs continue to walk alongside totally ignoring the whistle.
  11. I was earning decent money in the steelworks for 17 years before being made redundant. I never did overtime, never wanted it, but some lads were getting paid £50k a year with overtime for doing very little work at all. Very little work. I wonder how many Chinese steelworkers are on £50k for doing nob all?. But lets blame the government anyway.
  12. "They take a long time to mature" can also be pronounced "I can't train the dog".
  13. The first ingredient on the bag should be a meat such chicken lamb etc.
  14. Don't waste your time on sites like that when clearly THL is the site for parenting advice.
  15. We went this year, I've never missed the CLA at Harewood, admission has always been dearer but the falling numbers probably relates to stall holders this year they were 240 stalls down which is a lot to loose and less to see for the publicY.I.S Leeview The Cla at Harewood this year was very very poor. Everything about it looked like it was thought about the week before the event not the 18 months or so that it actually takes to plan it. What a terrible last event to bow out on ?!
  16. Terrible news. We loved the whole weekend with friends on the campsite. But business is business, if its losing money the plug gets pulled.
  17. The vast majority are so poorly trained that there is little difference. But with the very best trained, and handled, a Springer would be better than a cocker.
  18. lol says the man started a topic and shared a picture of a dead moth he had found at work ? Ha ha. Brilliant. I am going to post a picture of a airplane flying through the sky and ask " I wonder where it's going" next !
  19. Of course it gets put on the net, people cannot help themselves these days. Just look at some of the posts on here, "look what I am having for my tea", "look at this for a sandwich" type posts every day. People cannot function now without sharing a picture.
  20. ......And filmed it and put it on the internet?. Class !
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