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Everything posted by jessdale

  1. P and G,dont you think there is any time saved on maintainance on a s/s gun than a wood/blued gun?,i dont want to buy a gun and then regrett that i ahve bought the wrong model.I am wanting a straight forward,easy to live with .22 that doesnt need any extras on it to make it a good rifle.Can you recommend any?
  2. when my fac finally comes through(christmas holidays :realmad: ),i have decided to get a .22 first.I think i will go for a synthectic/stainless or nickel outfit because i think the low maintainance will suit me better than wood/blued barrel.Has any one any experience with this type?,are they almost maintainance free?.Is the cz style stainless/nickel any good?.Thanks.All the best for 2006.Jessdale
  3. Thanks for putting that up for me chilli.That is the bitch we dug to today,she is only a small type but is 100%.You do not have to dig a second hole when this bitch is in :11:
  4. I am due to get my FAC in the next two weeks allowing me to own a .22 and .17hmr.I have decided to get a .22 first and due to being a right tight git,i want to spend no more than £350-£400 (i feel ill just typing them numbers ).So what do i do?.Do i spend more on a new gun and less on a scope?,or less on a second hand gun and more on a new scope?What do you lot think?.Jessdale
  5. The media got hunting banned.Rags like the sun and the mirror now rule the country.The idiots in the labour party just follow what ever is printed because they think if it is in the papers "thats what the public want".To me hunting withh hounds is the best sport in the world,i try to hunt 2-3 times a week,and have met all of my best mates through hunting.I have hunted and socalised with the so called "toffs" and never once been made to feel anything else but very welcome.Carry on hunting.jessdale
  6. which is the best shooting insurance for me to get?
  7. i will have a moderator on the ticket for both guns.Is there much difference in the noise of a silenced .22 and.17hmr?.I will be wanting to eat the rabbits that i shoot.I will be mostly shooting rabbits on the lamp.Also which is the best shooting insurance(basc,ca)etc to take out?
  8. I will soon get my FAC through with permission to buy a .22 and .17hmr.I will only be shooting rabbits with the gun.I will only be able to buy one at first,due to me being very carefull with the cash so which one should i go for?.Price of the gun and ammo will play a part in my dissision.I will probably go for synthetic/stainless so which model should i get? Would i be better getting a more expensive gun second hand or a cheaper gun brand new?What size scope will be up to the job?.Thanks for any replies.Jessdale
  9. I have just returned from dublin and saw seagulls feeding in the middle of the night,well 2.30am .There were dozens of them flying around swooping down onto chips,pizza,burgers etc that people were dropping on the main street,o`connell street.Are this flock of birds unusual,going against nature by feeding at night,or have others seen it in other cities?
  10. i will print this topic (when the printer is sorted :realmad: )and show it to jp when i see him.I will let you know what he says.
  11. the ban is fantastic :11: we have dug more this cubbing season than ever before
  12. I know "you get what you pay for" but how much will i have to pay for a used .22 rifle or a .17hmr?i want a gun with a silencer and scope for shooting rabbits so i dont need anything special
  13. If you are buying a gsp get one from a WORKING home.There are too many being bred now that just go to shows.My gsp was from a top field trial kennel and out in the field you could tell his breeding.He had a excellent mouth,which some gsp`s do not have,and he hunted and pointed naturally.I have NEVER seen a dog ,gundog,terrier or lurcher ,with such "hunting drive" he was superb.But on the down side they NEVER stop!!!!!! and i mean NEVER.The dog was on the go every hour of the day! no matter how much work he had.DO NOT let it get away with ANYTHING because give it an inch it will take 10 mile :1
  14. during hound exercise this morning we entered a bitch that "was on" straight away.We dug down 3-4 feet to find two backed in to a stop end.The bitch was reentered and found another at the opposite side of the earth.
  15. jessdale


    what are the chances of getting caught if you ran on red? in a car?van?or 4x4?.Has any of you been caught? what are the penaltys?
  16. Thanks for the replys lads .Would a .22 be ok to go in the shotgun safe or does it need to be seperate?.Shoot foxes with a rifle , never :11: .You should only shoot a fox after you have dug to it :11:
  17. I have just been given 3000 acres of rabbitting permission so i think i may get a .22 rifle.What are the requirments to get a ticket for one?.I have had a shotgun ticket for 17 years but never a f.a.c. Thanks.jessdale
  18. DEs , thanks for putting up the exact wording of the bill.On the combine front i was taking the piss .If everybody read the act,the parts that covered their sport imparticular,they would find the holes in the law so they could still hunt "with in the law".I do not hunt or shoot hares but i have read the bill.Surely every running dog man has?
  19. It is still legal to hunt a hare with hounds,if the landowner has good reason to believe he has wounded a hare on his land.Such as wounding with a rifle or shotgun etc(or combine ).There is NO limit on the number of dogs you can use in this case.BUT it is ILLEGAL to DELIBERATLY wound a hare for the purpose of hunting it .And the people that wrote this law are running the country
  20. I have got tears in my eyes reading abut the size of wagon wheels and curly wurlys.Absolutly brilliant. :11: :11: .A local keeper has returned to his old pach around here after about 15 years away.He said when he was here last time he caught someone (usually us) every day either mooching with a dog or nesting.In the couple of years he has been back he has caught a couple of people.He says "long live drugs and play stations".Sad world i am afraid now boys.And they spent over 700 hours discussing the hunting ban!!!!!!!!!!
  21. i would not worry about the size of the transmitter on the collar.If the dogs neck + collar are going to get stuck there is no way its chest was going to get through.Any way if it did get stuck,you will be able to find it
  22. i know the lad who was the main tester during the trials on the b&f setup.He said it took some getting used to at first but then it was the dogs b******s!!!!.He reckons there is nothing that can touch it.
  23. its a pound and a fifty pence coin for sure.F**k knows what the egg shaped thing is :11:
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