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Everything posted by jessdale

  1. I took a picture of this doorway,cut out of a single piece of granite,at Karnak temple in Luxor Egypt.It is about 12 foot high by 4 foot wide and 3 foot thick.Every single corner,straight edge and face of it was perfect.I think the guide said it was in place 2 thousand years ago, when our lot were living in caves .The arabs that live in Egypt now probably couldn`t make in NOW never mind 2 thousand years ago .Talk about a country going backwards!
  2. I saw a copy of this book years ago,and for someone interested in hunts of the past this is the book to have http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/British-sports-and-s...1QQcmdZViewItem
  3. Terrier judge-David Jones Lurcher judge-Paul Travers Qualifers for countryman weekly finals at the midland and NWTF Ragley Hall 1pm Start The kennels ,chipping norton,oxfordshire Ring 07786546389 for any more details
  4. This is a nice young bitch that entered towards the end of last season
  5. I have got a "strong stuff" collar for the terrier and,like everyone else,cannot fault the quality and workmanship of it.Top stuff
  6. Thats the new regulations regarding illegal immigrants.I guy at work took early retirement in november last year after 44 years service.He has just started back for 10 weeks, to help complete a big order,and he had to bring his passport in to prove he wasn`t an illegal immigrant! .You couldn`t make it up
  7. I have been on orange basic broadband for quite a while now but i am thinking of upgrading to their "wireless unlimited download" package.The thing is a mate at work reckons the computer still has to be plugged in to the box that is plugged into the phoneline?. "How the hell is that wireless "says i? he replies "all the other computers in your house will be "wireless" off your fist computer that is plugged into the phone line". With me only having the one computer is it a waste of time getting it or his the lad at work wrong about this?.I want it "wireless" so i can put the pc somewhere else.
  8. Just heard on the radio The tax for the "gas guzzlers" is going up to £300 this year,£400 next year
  9. The dog isnt red mate. It is solid black. Just covered in sand. not deep mate only 4 foot. He was in the spot a couple of hours in total. He bumped into the fox whilst looking around in a big place. He wasnt with the fox long and no he didnt kill it, it was released
  10. The dog caught this in the middle of the tube and was trying to make a coat out of it when we broke through
  11. I have got a `94 escort diesel van that is struggling to start from cold.Iti s turning over but does not want to "fire".After 6-8 goes the battery starts to fade so it will not start.I have had the battery tested it is ok.I fitted new bosch glow plugs when this first started to happen about a month ago.The van starts first turn of the key for the rest of the day,if i get it started, when the engine is warm but next morning back to the same thing.Anyone got any ideas?. Burn it?,yes i`ve thought of that
  12. It wasn`t that long ago since our soldiers were over there stopping them killing their own neighbours so i suppose a bit of baiting is nothing
  13. " i hope you like pain" classic.the fat chink at the end "what kind of wood is that?" err it`s wood wood mate !
  14. Now these guys are seriously hard men http://www.gougoule.com/violence/
  15. The fox is a fantastic creature worthy of the upmost respect.When we used to go out with hounds i sometimes wished a certain fox would get away.It is great to watch a fox at the start of a hunt,you can almost see him thinking of escape routes,before making his way across country as though he is floating.I cannot count the numbers of foxes that got away from a certain death,in our eyes anyway,by putting in the right move at the right time.But there are still lads that go out,eventually find a fox to ground,and then try every dog in the district at it just to let it suffer to prove their dogs
  16. by christmas no probs hey jessdale Hopefully :11: .But she may spew yet,you know what these new starters are like :11: :11:
  17. BBB, yes my dog is out of the same line.There are plenty of pics of him on m-o-o-c-h-e-r-s website
  18. It was the 242nd dig for this bitch.She is coming up 5 and this is her 3rd full season First one in the bag We then bolted one with a 16 month old first season bitch And then finished the day off with a dig into the dark to rescue a trapped terrier
  19. I have been trying to post some pictures up but it says they take up too much space even after 1 picture?any help?
  20. I know you will all join with me in congratulating Nipper and his partner on the birth of thier first baby this morning. Mother and son are doing fine, Father has now got his work cut out!
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