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Everything posted by jessdale

  1. create an adjustment layer (new layer-adjustment) then de saturate the new layer. Then use "eraser" tool to erase the B&W area over the part you want coloured (eg erase over a huntsmans coat etc) thus revealing the colour layer underneath. Simple heres a quick one! Thanks for that ,but how do you you the "eraser" tool on such fine objects as the terriers rough coat?,ie the bits that give the coat its "shaggy" outline?.Thanks once again
  2. I have now seen several pictures where the main picture is in black and white but one part of the picture,say a hound,is in full colour.I think they look great.I have photoshop CS2? so can i do it with this program?.If i can can anyone talk me through the process?.Thanks
  3. 18 yr old terrorising the community????,he rides about on a mountain bike for gods sake,hardly hardcore is it?.Lets just hope he gets what he deserves from some real hard men inside
  4. tommy Brechny from scotland had won the hpr championship a few times when i used to watch the trials but i cant remember his kennel name. Swifthouse ,friuli and dunnpender also won on a regular basis.there were a lot of kennels that did the shows and trials,predominately showing, and you could tell with some of them.i went to a kennel that was only field trial orientated.But this was back in the nineties
  5. His trial is due to start on the 9th March 2009
  6. top tip for you matey .save yourself 500 Quid by getting closer to the object you want to view.
  7. May be a different country with a different culture but it is still holding a fox by its brush and poking it with a stick in front of some dogs :sick: , take the link off its pathetic
  8. jessdale just invents himself a user name every month and posts the question. its some kind of weird fetish. ,No its me that keeps asking for nuttals number every week
  9. Any pics mate ,By the way Wilf have you got brian nuttals number?
  10. Putting this post up for a friend.On monday afternoon/early evening 10th november 3 terriers were stolen from the Vwh kennels in gloucestershire.The first was a smooth coated russel bitch with a black and white head and a black patch on her back.The second was a broken coated russell bitch with a tan and white head and a tan patch on her back.The third was a broken coated patterdale dog with a fairly long docked tail.Come on lads,have a look around,these dogs have got to be somewhere .Reward offered for information.Please ring Richard on 07855187514
  11. In Germany strict rules have to be followed before gundogs are bred from.In the HPR world the dogs have to obtain certain grades in field trials before they are given a stud book number so the pups can be registered with the breeds kennel club.The trials are a lot different to ours,they are a lot more difficult,and include blood tracking,stalking,sharpness(killing vermin ie foxes) and even a conformation test to make sure the animal is to breed standard.People will breed litters from dogs without the qualifications but the pups will not be eligable to be registered.Can you imagine this sort of
  12. Glad your going to buy it mate i was begining to think you were like the bloke in your avatar picture......but more of a LITTLE P...K....And i bet your eye colour is GREEN....Shall i sign yours then to.... A LITTLE P...K WITH GREEN EYES. No need mate, I'm a blue eyed boy, and if you remember the discussion we had a couple of years back I aint too little either I just think the book is a bit steep and also doubling up on the postage is IMO a tad greedy, why would i be jealous of anything ? least of all the 40k, I made that last week I will take my hat off if within its pages are
  13. Go to the terrier section,at the top of that page, contact "bryan" he will sort you out
  14. Dodgy building work and a language barrier .Are some people for real ,why on earth would you set a cockney on ,baffles me .I believe the other guy was a pole. Edited to add-only joking Wilf
  15. .Nearly as many times as " This months EDRD has not arrived yet, has anyone else had theirs yet?"
  16. "Maplehaze" gwp`s were very good to watch at hpr field trials.The woman that bred them was from the midlands but now lives in scotland i believe
  17. Over the years i have seen, live, chubby brown,harry enfield(loads a money days),eddie izzard,steve coogan,paul whitehouse,john tompson,peter kay but by FAR the best,seen him twice,was Frank Skinner.He is the tops
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