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Everything posted by jessdale

  1. jessdale


    ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH ,mine has still not arrived
  2. Pictures taken on the camera phone so they dont do the pieces justice
  3. shame its collection only because i like that alot.my sort of thing.modern piece though. Border fine arts was founded in 1974,this piece is 1985 so not that modern really.Collection or possible meet half way
  4. This is a nice border fine arts piece on ebay 160322564399
  5. Timothy Taylors is bloody fantastic, a good ale pub stocking the ale of a small local brewery takes a lot of beating. Just drinking a bottle from my local brewery, Ascot Brewery, great stuff with 10 times the flavour of british lager shite! I don't drink draught lager,,,,but I can't think of a British Lager????! please enlighten me someone, if its not foriegn then I'll try it Swampy Hic Ning Hic I think you will find most "continental" lager is brewed in the UK under licence.Stella,red stripe,carlsburg,castlemaine xxxx they are all brewed within these shores.
  6. Work up a thirst by washing the car with lager(any kind) and then drink Theakstons Old Peculiar and Timothy Taylors Landlord.
  7. The picture i put up was taken within the last few days in the north of England
  8. Just had this picture sent to me by a mate,what do you lads think?
  9. Send bryan a pm he will sort you out
  10. Cannot go wrong with these boxes they are the dogs danglies
  11. I thought Khan was going to loose?,get battered?,get destroyed by expierenced hands?.Another bad day for the experts
  12. Ask Jessdale......... It is the 5th of the month today and i have still not received it this month.I cannot think straight with worry,will it be here tomorrow or the day after?,what happens if it does not arrive untill next week???.If the postman hasn`t got it in his bag tomorrow he had better get ready!!!.What is EDRD anyway?
  13. Has this months EDRD arrived yet mate???? messer
  14. Got mine delivered yesterday and it is,as usual with SS,top quality ,a good price and speedy delivery.Cheers
  15. I will second that.Mine is a cz style,synthetic stock and nickel plated barrel,and cost about £320 new including a brookes trigger kit fitted,scope,silencer and some ammo.
  16. There is a Ltd Edt version of J dacy book Little dogs with big hearts on Ebay item number 230322508689
  17. No i have not.I cant believe someone has asked this question,this month,before me
  18. I got caught in November by the camera in the back of the van at the side of the road.I got "flashed"on the wednesday evening and the pink "intention to prosecute" letter arrived on the saturday asking who was driving.Sent it straight back saying it was me and by the following friday had a letter back saying "we will not prosecute you this time so watch your speed".Result
  19. Royal Marine Commando?The guy probably stacks shelves in tesco and lives with his mum
  20. Honda quads have a 24 month warranty
  21. I have no need to steal,i have a extensive collection of books about hounds and hunting.
  22. Otter hunting,with packs of hounds,had ceased before the otter became a protected species.It was placed on the "schedule 1 list",to protect wild animals on the 1st january 1978 but the Masters of Otter Hounds had suspended hunting in 1977.As with most things regarding animals and the countryside the people that hunted were the first to see the decline in otter numbers.The famous Hawkstone otter hounds,with captain wallace as huntsman and master,ceased hunting in 1975 , 3 years before the otter was listed as "endangered"
  23. There seems to be some Proper gear on the market at the moment which can only be a good thing.As far as top notch equipment goes,if you can afford top end stuff, the Barryvox Pulse that "bryan" sells is the one to go for
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