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Everything posted by jessdale

  1. "maybe its because i`m a londoner"
  2. Small bloke with glasses and a strange accent.Slap him if you see him.Tally ho!

  3. It seems a lot of guys on these forums rate the "old" nuttall stuff but slag off the "new" nuttall stuff.Nearly all of these same people know someone that has the "old" nuttall stuff,bred from generations of workers, that is totally untouched by the "new" blood and is usually the best line of workers in thier particular area .Wouldn1t it be a good idea for these guys to sell Mr Nuttall some of this legendary "old" stuff so he can himself get rid of the "new" stuff.
  4. I will put my money on the the guy that is not backed by the THL boxing experts.The experts flood the threads before the fight with their wisdom and get it wrong everytime.Its brilliant
  5. The type of people you describe are not poachers.They are out to kill stuff,it doesn`t matter what,just as much of it as possible.They do not respact their quarry because they respect NOTHING.Other people,property,animals NOTHING is respected by this type of idiot.But the sad thing is when they read this they will not even realise it is them it is about.It is always someone else.I wonder how much it would cost to fit a .50 cal onto the police helicopter?,that would slow `em down a bit
  6. I have got Nero 6 but dont know how to copy the disc onto the hard drive?
  7. How can i copy a dvd disc,in my dvd rom drive,onto my pc hard drive?.I always end up scratching discs so thought i would put a copy on to the pc.
  8. Just thought i`d update you lads abit.Did the postman,piece of piss to be fair,we gave him a good seeing to.Anyway we were out lamping the other night when we crept into a orchard.After a bit of scrumping we heard somone coming through the field lamping rabbits with a whippet type.He shouted something at us,we couldn`t make out what,so i puts on a dodgy irish accent and tells him where to go.Big steve fired the pellet gun towards him,that made him run i tell you,but we thought he may come at us with a brick so we made our escape.Anyway got back and called for a curry takeaway,love those rubys
  9. Let me get this right.You are alone in the middle of the night?.It is pitch black?.Someone,as yet unidentified, fires a RIFLE at you?.Yet some of the replies say they would have attacked the "unknown gunman"?.I cannot ,for the life of me,think of a more entertaining site than THE HUNTING LIFE.Brilliant
  10. Just make sure they will fit before you order them Wilf.Remember mate you need them long in the leg and tight in the crotch
  11. Have you had any pm,s ya messer Not a one my son,not a one
  12. By giving them the heroin by presription,issued by a GP,wouldn`t it cut down on crime associated with drug abuse?.Wouldn`t it make the local "crack house" shut down?.Wouldn`t it put the local "hard man dealer" out of business?.Just a thought.If a person is stupid enough to try the stuff in the first place they are no use to society anyway so let them get on with it,without having to rob my shed,because in the end they get what they deserve.
  13. What up Wilf?,have you ripped your trackie bottoms? Messer
  14. Early to bed tonight munchkin,back to school tomorrow

  15. Danny Mckenzie lives/lived in Dundee.When Mike Smith wrote about Danny in his book in 1998 he said the guy was well into his ``s then.
  16. Too right matey.The woman was the youngest female barrister in the country,she knows the court system backwards.She probably had them eating out of her hand
  17. Hales smut was a spectacular dog,by all accounts,and will have lined a good number of bitches.In this day and age,with the internet especially,his fame would have spread even further, and ,in my opinion,he would have been used more than he was.
  18. Out lamping all last night with the lads,nearly got caught aswell but big steve threatened to burn the farm down so the farmer did a runner,so up late today thank god the old lady had taped jeremy kyle .Anyway gets down to the dole to sign on,i was late but stuff `em,and one lad was staring thinking he was all hard.So i gave it him.LARGE like.Back home put some bare knuckle gypo fights on,the lads had got up out of bed and come round for an hour,`cos we all like the hard men don`t we.Anyway we all goes down the `offy to get some stella when one of the lads sees a lad that he heard was going t
  19. How can you come out with a statement like that! Are you crazy or something? 90% for god`s sake!!!!!,i would have have said it was alot higher myself
  20. Read the books "essex boys" and "bonded by blood",about the true story.Leach is only mentioned once,he was only on the outside not a main man like in the film.Tin pot hardmen/gangsters hero worshipped by tin pot hardmen/gangsters.And the film is shite
  21. The Gwibernant kennel,owned by the late Keith Erlandson,were a very succesfull field trial line.
  22. I had my first spaniel at 14 years old - I have had 4 altogether and the current one is the best- the dog of my lifetime certainly. All had ft lines but his is exceptional. My shooting involves wildfowling on the marsh, a pheasant syndicate and loads of rough shooting -pigeon woodcock rabbit. So does this mean you are not happy with any dog that gets its ft tickets in england /scotland but you are happy with a winner from wales what im saying is the gene pool aint that big so any winner you come accross will have a ftch in its ped from all over the country . and if you have a dog that doe
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