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Everything posted by jessdale

  1. Correct. This disgusting event , although thankfully a rare thing, will have happened throughout the ages but with todays media and the internet we all know about it straight away. When people see it and read about everywhere it can seem like a daily event. How many of us that grew up in the 60's and 70's watched the news or read a paper before we were 16 and started work?. Today my kids read it on facebook!.
  2. Now been out with hounds 13 times this season , morning and evening , and doing really well. But enough of the rubbish hunting talk, what should i have for my lunch?
  3. My best mate is going to be in it, he will love the "old" terriermen when i tell him :laugh: :laugh:
  4. Ian Billinghurst ,in his book The Bar Diet, says green tripe has often been quoted as ."the finest of all natural feeds"
  5. Green Tripe Analysis Protein 13.33% Fat 12.75% Crude Fiber 2.99% Moisture 72.24% Calcium 0.1% Phosphorous 0.13% Lactic Acid Bacteria 2,900,000 gm pH 6.84 Ash 1.25% Calories 424 cal / cup Iron 126.4 mg/kg Potassium 0.14% Managnese 25.7 mg/kg Zinc 23.11 mg/kg Selenium 0.31 mg/kg
  6. She is a qualified barrister and was the youngest woman, at 21 ,to be called to the bar. That is "posh toff" for being able to practise as a barrister. As opposed to 'get the drinks in, lass' Exactly. [/i]
  7. She is a qualified barrister and was the youngest woman, at 21 ,to be called to the bar. That is "posh toff" for being able to practise as a barrister.
  8. She is always willing to put her views over wether people like it or not. I have spoken to her a few times and she is a very clever person with a great love of fieldsports. But ,following the "chief whip" thread, shouldn't we all hate her because she is a well educated "posh" tory "toff"?
  9. Wilf has a night on the tiles then the next morning as a bit of practice on the clays before heading out on the marsh http://youtu.be/eUKIX6OR6ZU
  10. jessdale

    Chief Whip

    Is this how feeble a country we are now that this is headline news?. Its f*****g Pathetic if you ask me.
  11. Trainers with velcro straps :laugh: :laugh: ,beautiful
  12. I have been on this forum a good few years now and read internet threats almost weekly. Have any of these threats ever actually made it to a fight?,if so was the fight a "one punch" affair so often threatened?.
  13. proud day for the whole family
  14. Any reciever will pick up the ortovox transmitter,the part that the dog wears, and it will put you straight on the dog.
  15. between us we have most of the main ones and to be honest there is not much to choose between them. The barryvox,pieps,patroller and d3 boxes all work with the bellman and ortovox collars so we mix and match all the time. All of them will get you to the dog
  16. I got one of his original collars, when he first made them, which he offered free of charge for peoples feedback. This was several years ago, and the collar is still doing its job. The collars for the ortovox locator are also in use several times a week. Top stuff
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