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Everything posted by jessdale

  1. I know it’s each person’s own choice of what type of dog they want so I’m not having a go at anyone. If these big heavily marked springers were so good why are they as rare as hens teeth ? Forget trialling dogs for a minute. Surely everyone not into trialling would still have these big heavily marked springers if they were better ? The way I see it is the dogs around now are around because they do the job. Whether it is gundogs/terriers/lurchers/guard dogs it seems everyone wants the old stuff when the dogs we have now are out of the old stuff ! When did old became new ? , it’s the same stuff
  2. Some of these continental hpr breeds are incredible animals. I had a gsp for 11 years. Personally I would only ever be interested in GSP and GWP. I have seen the other hpr breeds in trials but would only be interested in those two breeds. On paper they are incredible animals, but in reality a good one is very very rare indeed. A hpr that does it all , and does it well, will be as common as a donkey egg !!!!
  3. The guy was a footballing legend.The guy will be remembered for ever. Will you ?
  4. Definitely not. Coming from the world of the very best terriers where pups and studs are only ever given free of charge it was quite a shock when I purchased my first gundog !!
  5. If a person thinks If everyone else is charging big money then so should i then that person doesn’t take much to change their mind ! That person should stick to their own morals not someone else’s. If a person can change that easily then maybe money was at the forefront of breeding anyway ?
  6. Hi. I have a mate looking for a couple of hounds to join a bobbery pack for flushing to the lurchers. He is based in Derry if anyone can help ? Thanks
  7. What grind do you guys prefer on your stalking knives ? Flat , hollow or scandi?
  8. That’s another thread not this one. Let it go !
  9. LOL. Just seen one guy selling on a 10 month old pup for £3000
  10. I look through all these hunting/shooting forums and Facebook pages looking at everything in general but pup adverts especially. In general adverts on THL seem to be normal prices. It is amazing that lads on here will advertise on other forums, at these crazy prices, but not advertise on here ? Isn’t that strange???
  11. The thing is Wilf there aren’t that many GOOD ones around !! 95% of dogs on 95% of shoots are so poorly trained as to be of limited use to anyone
  12. Old shepp fell through the ice one year, Irish Sea I think it was, after being sent for a mute swan. He surfaced 2 hours later with the swan and wearing that blue diamond necklace the old girl threw into the sea on the film titanic !!!!!
  13. I must have heard every story, regarding gundogs and terriers , there is over the years. I like the one, well several different versions, about old jack and his spaniel. Old jack was anywhere between 70 and 209, no one knew. He always kept a line of huge,strong, liver un registered springers. One day on the shoot it was -25 degrees and snow forecast. All the dogs were crawling on their belly’s on the last drive but “shepp” was still fresh as a daisy. None of the ftch spaniels, there were 12 out that day, would face the last 60 acres of bramble so in went shepp and after 30 minutes he had flush
  14. What lines have you seen unable to do a days work ?
  15. Dogs on the grouse moors do a lot of walking Wilf. You can walk a hour to the start of the drive. Whether walking is working I don’t know ? NO dog works all day.
  16. There is gwibernant in most lines I would think, but it’s a long time since KE passed away . It’s probably best to go to a type one likes rather than look for a certain “line”. I knew a guy that bought in a bitch, took it to a famous stud, then all of a sudden he was talking about his “line”. Also some people will not entertain a certain “line” yet buy dogs saturated with this breeding just because the sire and dam don’t carry the name ! . I personally would be buying off stuff that did the job, like I want it done, rather than how it looks.
  17. Oh ok I will. I will take notice of you and completely change my mind now. Thanks
  18. I don’t find it hard to take in at all, I don’t take it full stop ! Lol
  19. What about the time they are stood/travelling between drives ??? NO gundog works solidly 9-5. NONE
  20. A well bred trial line will do absolutely everything any other line will do. All this “45mins” talk is total nonsense. A fit dog can work, a unfit dog cannot. Gundogs don’t work “all day”, that’s another load of nonsense. What did you think of the poolgreen and sugarbullet dogs ?
  21. Just sent you a message. Thanks
  22. Anyone on here a house alarm engineer ? I’ve a question I need answering if anyone can help ? Thanks
  23. Why are folk all of a sudden saying “taking the knee” when “kneeling down” as done us for years ?
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