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Everything posted by jessdale

  1. I thought Wilf would have been first to reply slagging you off. Lol. Now bugger off this is a serious request. Lol
  2. I have a good friend that is looking for a failed diggingdog. One that goes in for 10 minutes and then comes out is ideal for him. Any breed, dog or bitch, but must be fox only. Pm with any details. Thanks
  3. If you had met Wilf you would know about it, i still cannot sleep properly after meeting him. The bloke is a real crank. Lol
  4. They look like still images from Auschwitz concentration camp.
  5. The drakeshead way with john Halstead. The top man showing the best ways
  6. I have 1 right foot Haix Tibet forest boot,size 9, available if anyone is interested?. It is in good condition so would suit someone that has worn down thier right boot through digging. South Yorkshire area
  7. Cant view the videos on photobucket. Can you put them on youtube?
  8. Always remember the late, great, bing Crosby had a brother who couldn't sing a note !!. The best to the best and hope for the best. But forget the rest.
  9. That is not a good video at all. The dog is bored to death that is why the dog as no "go" about it. The dog sits,when it wants to, even though he gives it hand signals, whistle AND says sit. It drops the retrieve. Classic example of moving on to the next part of training without mastering the previous part.
  10. Fergie can't be retiring the thl football guru's told us on page one of this thread.It must be all lies.
  11. Patches of rhodies, kept low to the ground, do well in a rabbit pen http://m.youtube.com/results?q=dawsonlee%20echo#/watch?v=closGxNlTfc
  12. I used to share lots and lots of days out on these forums with a write up and pictures. Then lots and lots more. Then even more. But then hunting was banned. "before the ban" does nothing for me. So every day is a best day my friend.BUT, saying all that , the day we dropped on this little fella whilst out digging was a good day :laugh:
  13. I used to share lots and lots of days out on these forums with a write up and pictures. Then lots and lots more. Then even more. But then hunting was banned. "before the ban" does nothing for me. So every day is a best day my friend.
  14. Best day ??. Every single day the terriers are on the quad and the huntsman is blowing to ground!
  15. "she was great !!" or "she was a b*****d !!". For 25 pages ????.
  16. jessdale

    The Don

    Behave yourself Levs, you are so boring you don't even get UN-wanted visitor's!.
  17. It is little bits of wood but have never had dogs look uncomfortable on it
  18. The last shavings i bought were £10.99 for the 25kg bale. This lay-soft stuff is £6 for a 25kg bale. Cheaper and better you can't go wrong
  19. Rytex. Ask him what quality bitches his dogs have covered and he will give you the bitch owners contact details. Ask around in the gundog world for good stock and the same names will always crop up. Some names never crop up.
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