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Everything posted by jessdale

  1. Special 6 shirt is a superb bit of kit. The belay will be top notch too.
  2. Roll on September!. No I don't know what it means either.lol
  3. An Englishman that thinks he is Scottish supporting a Scottish football team that thinks it is Irish. Nice.
  4. jessdale


    This is the one i mentioned. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=I41IYWb_Mus
  5. jessdale


    There was a documentary on tv a couple of years ago about a abattoir in the bolton/preston area i think. It was called something like "the blood brothers" or such like. What a group they were , i should imagine they are all in prison now. Lol
  6. He can say whatever he wants, just like anyone on here, because he will not have to act on it. Why do people slag off one politician for going back on what they said in opposition yet believe every word the slimy farage says?. He will reel in the pseudo intellectuals, use them for what he wants, and spit them out.
  7. The worlds slimiest snake charmer.
  8. What does a lab bring to a gwp?. What does a gwp bring to a lab?.
  9. I have done a good few coopers stout, brewed to outlaw petes recipe, and that is a very nice drink. Just about to keg a festival golden stag ale do that should be nice in a month or so.
  10. jessdale

    Le Tour

    I stood and watched them come up jenkin road. After 120 mile the leaders went through the "s" bend, at 1 in 3, like they had just set off. Very impressive. Some of the tail enders were blowing though.
  11. jessdale

    Le Tour

    I am going tomorrow. Not interested in biking but the race passes about 5 mile from me so i will catch it whilst its here. But the crowds are amazing alongside the route. Superb for Yorkshire.
  12. Makes me laugh all this "it was great untill '77 then shit from then" " brilliant untill '94 wank after that". In 10 years time someone on here will be saying " it was the best upto '14 then went downhill. Things move on. Remember an allegro car was once thought to be decent.
  13. Watched them rehearsing for it a couple of weeks ago, absolutely superb. Pageantry at it's very best. God save the queen
  14. The guys im talking about dont beat up every dog they train , and a lot of dogs go through their hands , just the hard ones . There was a dog called Badger court moss a while ago who was an amazing hunting dog . His owner could not get him steady enough for the top flight . He went to a top trialer , and with his training methods got him under control . He had to be very firm with him . That dog won the championship and sired countless field trial champions . Im not saying that you have to be like the chap on the video with all spaniels , far from it . But there are dogs out there who shall w
  15. Has anyone got a full list of the guy's that are featured in this book?
  16. Talk about blowing things out of proportion ?. But that's the Facebook generation i suppose.
  17. It was a good game. I will be there on Sunday, can't wait.
  18. 5 dogs and 20 brood bitches ?,would we all be having a fit if this advert was on this site nowadays ?I put this post on over a week ago and no one replied. A lad in the classifieds is selling pups from his hunt terriers and is getting crucified for it. i think that says more about the terrier scene today to be fair. and the WWW. everything is black or white on here no shades of grey. if folk hav'nt got there nose in someones business they have it up someones arse lol. f**k all wrong with selling well bred well reared working stock. , the best stock came from working lads selling NUTTAL CH
  19. 5 dogs and 20 brood bitches ?,would we all be having a fit if this advert was on this site nowadays ? I put this post on over a week ago and no one replied. A lad in the classifieds is selling pups from his hunt terriers and is getting crucified for it.
  20. The speed that fire spread was incredible. Watch it on youtube. Very sad when someone goes to the match and never returns home.
  21. 5 dogs and 20 brood bitches ?,would we all be having a fit if this advert was on this site nowadays ?
  22. A working bred golden retriever can be a very good dog but will do nothing a Labrador doesn't do.
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