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Jake w

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Everything posted by Jake w

  1. Where you at mate for collection
  2. Thanks mate an yes I know what you mean about all then internal mechanisms il probably keep it all standard mate cheers
  3. Anyone recommend a better silencer than the ones that comes on them I know they are real real good but if I can improve it I will do? Cheers Jake w
  4. The same problem I had with the 97kt awkward with the safety so iv just swapped it for a hw80k
  5. Synthetic 97kt .22 it's not got any scopes but it's in decent condition £200 Worksop Notts
  6. Cheers mate an clipped it of other day dogs fine been keeping it clean so all is good thanks mate
  7. Cheers lads and yes wedgey it maybe a stupid question but il only ask it once you seem like you'll always be cock
  8. That's what iv done mate took it vet an had it put down mate stop all suffering as the dogs health was in my best interest you c*ck end
  9. Patterdale as had a fight with my other dog an his dew claw has snapped but still attached by the nerve muscle type thing inside will it drop of or does it need to be snipped of
  10. Do people consider double peggers better than a single pegged net just wondering as I'm going to get some new ones for next season iv never used the double pegged ones? Atb Jake w
  11. If someone can make them well they will probably earn a decent little turn out over the summer
  12. Ok mate I understand an when I said experienced dog I meant as to mark up so you know if your quarry is at home mate Atb Jake w
  13. Mate but wouldn't that leave him in the same situation if he got to an earth that looked well run or a rangy earth and the dog said no not having a dig mate I just thought that it would still leave doubts in lees mind mate
  14. Once in a spot that is rangy but shallow he didn't find and another more expearianced dog did Ok mate with what's been done with him mate he has little experience at the minute he's young mate it's plays on your mind yes but just see past it until next season mate start back at puppy spots again take him out with experienced dogs mate that's what I would do Hope he comes good for you mate Atb Jake w
  15. Has the dog ever gave you any other reason not to trust him mate like done this before an you have had success with a different dog?
  16. My lad done me well this season had some good days out keep'em coming lads some nice terriers on here ??
  17. What is that there that you have dug mate? If you don't mind me asking mate
  18. I'd say LT50 they hold they money well so you will more than likely get out of it what you put in mate great little quads
  19. It's only money it comes an goes mate if you want something you just got to get it
  20. My patterdale other morning after a successful dig to him
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