It's brass with antler either side not sure what antler and with swirls engraved into the brass i bought if from a game fair of mick dadd who as a stall at the fairs it's really nice to hold and really accurate it also polishes up good could do with one now actually it's by far the best catty in my collection
Atb jake w
Can anybody recommend a 12 egg incubator that is decent for around £100 or am I being cheap?? here lads iv never hatched my own eggs under a incubator only under hens so I'm wanting to give incubation a go
Cheers lads jake w ?
Woody fell victim while out with catty ? I don't usually take pictures but will start and share them on here for you catty men ?
Also sorry picture is crap it's because iv at to crop and resize it
Atb jake w ?
Personally matey I would go for a theoben fenman but then again you can't go wrong with a weirhrauch springer or the tx200 but have a look about you never know what might pop up but let us know what you decide on ?
Jake w
This is really good advice and it actually works! I did the very same a few weeks ago and visited a few local shoots/estates. One of the shoot owners/keepers passed my details on to another local syndicate who were actually looking for a keeper. I've had an interview and the syndicate chairman wants to meet me early next week to show me round the 6000 acre estate, so it's looking promising...
Sounds really good that mate good luck and atvb ?
Cheers everybody gonetoearth,paulus lilvixen and stando an lilvixen I went to a local estate which is Ozberton but they are going theough some changes at the minuet mate I think they are hiring new keepers well that's what I have been told but I will give that another go and cheers stando will check that out and give them a call
Cheers everybody jake w ?
Saying that I did have a hob ferret and it was a bit daft would chew absolutely anything and I shot a feral which had a ring on it's leg but didn't think anything of it at first slung it in with ferrets about 20 mins later herd load of racket coming from ferret pen and there's my divvy hob rolling all over it had only got ring stuck in it's mouth ... But it came out after a little tug so now I chop ferals legs of so it can't happen again lol ?
So yes if I was yous I would consider this lol atb jake w ?
Me and lads I go with set of at 10:00 - 10:30 pm until about 6:00 am - 7:00 am depending on night and dogs but they are the main times then up at 12:00 in day organise next night out ??
Jake w
Hi everybody my name his jake I am 19 and I am really interested into gamekeeping and really do want to learn the ropes I am calling out to all you gamekeepers that could help me I am willing to work all hours free of charge as I want the experience and not the money i will help beating help with the rearing and pest control I will help out as much as I can with anything also I have level two in environmental conservation so if anyone can help me I would really appreciate it the problem I have is that I do not drive I am currently taking lessons
I am in worksop Nottinghamshire
Sounds great that mate I keep checking this section and it made me think about building a nice big flight at the bottom of my yard lol but it does sound great mate
Atb with your birds mate jake w ?
Cheers gafer and RM I know what you mean mate I bought a catapult from him at EDRD and the way the elastic was tied on to the catapult was good but now I've put new elastic on I don't know how to do it he did explain at the fair but na my mind is totally blown aha
Cheers lads jake w ?
Any of you lads been to any game fairs and saw him everytime I've saw him he's always been nitting nets outside his stand he always as a good few catapults for sale just wondered if any of you lads have seen him or know if he's on THL
Cheers jake w?
Hi lads I'm not to sure if this is in the right section but I was just wondering if anybody could tell me where I could by some decent net making equipment needles,rings,etc any recommendations welcome
cheers jake w ?