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Greek Phil

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About Greek Phil

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  1. Suck off Greek men called Phil. Your not one of them are you Lee? It could be that you know far more about it than your letting on. :laugh: Are you the Queens hubby?
  2. It depends upon where you happen to be standing. I'm stood on the bank tipping in flies.
  3. Suck off Greek men called Phil. Your not one of them are you Lee? It could be that you know far more about it than your letting on.
  4. Yep definitely a gudgeon and a desperate one at that.
  5. Bog standard lab Artic. They might not be as fashionable as some of the continental breeds have become these last 5-6 years but they have always done the business when called for. Looks like some crossed up brindle mongrel that folks call a plott Nope! Haven't a clue as to what you're on about.
  6. There it goes again. More glooping sounds.
  7. I think it might be somewhere between ya butt and ya nose. But without access to a Gaelic medical dictionary I couldn't be absolutely 100% sure.
  8. Are they issued with your bus pass or your incontinence tablets?
  9. Anyone know what sound a gudgeon makes? As I could have sworn I hear some glooping sounds earlier.
  10. Bog standard lab Artic. They might not be as fashionable as some of the continental breeds have become these last 5-6 years but they have always done the business when called for.
  11. Hump people.................. there a distinct race of people with humps is there that follow along behind these shooters that shoot deer to f**k? Isn't there a law against screwing deer be they dead or alive? Where's all this depraved and debouched activity taking place? Not to mention all this exploitation of those Humped back people you mention.
  12. You can get tablets for both of those now days I chucked in a smilie as I know you like them.
  13. Thanks for the tip. I shall bear it in mind should I ever consider it a necessity. I take it you have had dealings with him in the past and found that ploy to be an effect measure.
  14. So what you're saying is its not what you say its how you say it. or have I got it the wrong way around? I've never come across this concept of "posh words". Would you care the explain?
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