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Everything posted by thomashyne

  1. yeah the boys told me she 1 to watch was on the fone other day to jj he was on bout her should be good
  2. gorger heard your snowy pup doing really well
  3. is this topic called speedi forley legend or snowy
  4. very fast game bitch could stick aswell got good dvd here of her killing plenty of 3s and 4s
  5. if u read i put pulling good dogs down not proveing if a dog is a jacker or not
  6. some ppl just dont appreceate good dogs always got to pull them down its a shame
  7. theres a great big spot on lazys head inbetween his eyes on no sorry its a big cock
  8. has any 1 any pics of these two dogs
  9. it is the same dog mate he throwing some nice pups at min
  10. stig benji x fizz my mate has a nice pup out him now 9 months old doing realy well has any 1 else got any pups or seen this dog run
  11. spoke to craid few weeks ago about using buddy or jack over bitch he said he ad good bitch out of jack i sin dr dog chase run top class
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