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Everything posted by KieranGallagher

  1. 400 quid for 2 nights yeah right nobby you tryna hae my pants down and give me a dry 1

  2. its up for 65 if can collect today or tomorrow let it go for 50
  3. yeah i got piks if u email me at kieranluke_06@hotmail.co.uk and im in westhoughton near bolton
  4. ah mouthfull of pain killers feelin better now time for bed i think

  5. walked upstaires blacked out woke up in a puddle on blood and puke with a paramedic askin me did i go up for a poo then goin to hossy just to find out i may have a brain tumor well this is just awsome

    1. Born Hunter

      Born Hunter

      all the very best

    2. Kay


      preying you haven't mate xxx

    3. phil_g


      chin up chava get well soon

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  6. well today is totally f****d

    1. Simoman


      Your not a happy chap are you?

  7. IV got an air rifle here its an fx typhoon .177 in calaber its a precharged with 1000yard niko sterlin sights and a surpressor all black with a synthetic stock fires at 12 ft lb witch is the legal limit very quiet and very accurate 299 ovno
  8. you complete wanker !

    1. Simoman


      Anyone is particular, or attention seeking?

  9. only have the fx left heres the details of it .177 in callaber fires at 12 ft lb comes with 1000 yard niko sterling sights and surpressor its precharged with custom match trigger was £30 all tactical black with synthetic stock light and very accurate comes with all scope and mounts and silencer the silencer was 40 the sight are worth 240 gun for sale at £299 sellin due to having another baby and not have time to go shooting
  10. also camo netting army issue perfect for hides offers its big enuff to hid a small wagon in
  11. iv now got a huge sheet of army issue camo netting up for sale
  12. i predect a riot hahaha brilliant what a song to cum on

  13. got a .22 air rifle for sale good for kids or a starter gun

  14. am after a small 50 cc quad bike for ma lad must be able to delever no takin the piss need some 1 with sense
  15. im in bolton having alot of interest guys so if anythings wanted pm me
  16. Cat Moran you have a weired mind

  17. fx typhoon 177 cal with niko sterling sights and mounts looks awsome and a crossman american classin pump pistol and a asi range master also a 9 gun safe with top olockable ammo box fx is for sale at 290 ono crossman at asi at 50 and cabitnet at 100 must collect first to see will buy
  18. iv got army issue camo nettin they used to cover lorrys its for sale at 60 pound ono
  19. the black 1 is an fx typhoon .177 in cal its only every had air airms field fired threw it it has 1000yard nice sterliing sights and mounts 280
  20. time to spend another day tryna cheer myself up f****n medication is a bag of wank

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