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jacob evo

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Everything posted by jacob evo

  1. Here a few recent photos of BONNIE
  2. Razor bred dog, cant fault the dog will take anything that move ?a dont think yeh can beat a coursing dog back to a lamping dog these days
  3. Just wondering if any lads on here are still running the minshaw x's and if there still about taking big numbers, wouldn't mind seeing a photos of um ?
  4. Here a picture of another pup GUNNER, he a real lump of a pup, reminds me alot of Troy
  5. This is Maggie another real nice stamp of a bitch pup
  6. Here another one of the pup out of Troy, this is Bruce real nice stamp of a pup
  7. Here Bonnie with her sire OLD TROY BOY, she the double of him ?
  8. Cheers bud he not far off 60lb in weight a me pups with a good bit of weight on?
  9. Recent photo of Clyde, these pups will be coming up 6 month old in the next week or so
  10. Sounds like a tidy bitch mate, u stay in contact with mike or not pal
  11. What did u think of.her mate drop us a message if Yeh can ??
  12. Yeh she was mate derry TROY dam mate and razor was his sir
  13. Clyde just under 22tts 5month old 22kg in weight
  14. Dam also bred down from razor to a whippet x greyhound, cant be a coursing dog back to a lamping bitch if they through right and thanks buddy will keep use all updated on the pups ?
  15. Yeh buddy TROY out of razor to a lamping.bitch
  16. Thats is pal all should do well tbh mate bred well so dont see why bot get the gear in front of um
  17. Guess your's is number 1 thn eh ??
  18. BONNIE This is the other pups I kept back out of Troy
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