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Everything posted by cragman

  1. Dogginlad, this show has slowly been going down the pan. I've been going years, but not this year . The stalls are for your basic stuff, socks, gifts, wine and fancy goods. The Terrier and Lurcher shows are ok (with free admittance if you take the right entrance) and are a good craic, but the rest....forget it. Nice setting though if the weathers fine! I'd say take the kids, it's an excuse to try some candy floss. :sick:
  2. Has anybody read any of the new Sean Frain trilogy of books recently released? I'm in two minds whether to buy one (but which?), all three or just say "f**k it" and stick to reading his late father Brian's stuff. (RIP).
  3. "The music of the hounds". Feckin' brilliant!
  4. Apparently, Sean's promoting his latest book this week; http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/THE-MIDDLETON-STRAIN...1QQcmdZViewItem
  5. Dave Harcombe got it right in his editorial in this months EDRD, and I quote; "...and will simply add this law (if docking is banned) to the growing list of ridiculous, restrictive "laws to be ignored". The twats haven't a clue. :realmad: :ph34r:
  6. cragman

    Fox Hunting

    Your right rob, but i think is more by luck , than good judgement I dont for one minute think the CA have, or had any bloody idea what they were doing full stop. They are still chasing it in the appeal courts, which imo , is throwing more of our good money, after bad, as i,ve more chance of screwing claudia schiffer,as the hunt *** being repealed through the courts, only a tory government will repeal it [if at all].Personally, i think they should shut up, and keep our heads down a bit, everyone is still at it, and getting away with it, if the CA dont shut it, i can see amendments coming. :rea
  7. cragman

    Fox Hunting

    Aye, I seen it. It just coincides with the anniversary of the b*****d bill that's all. Easy to make TV. They shown nowt new and I dare say if you stand at any traffic lights at anytime of the day anywhere in the country, you'll film thousands of people breaking the law by using their mobile phones as they drive ! But that's not confrontational and exciting for the TV is it? f**k 'em. Keep turning out. It'll soon pass. :whistle:
  8. You're right Dean. We checked out a rockpile yesterday and managed to get one on its feet . But it was laying below a slab not underground . Today we walked miles on a moor and low ground checking everything...nowt at home . Plenty being seen on the lamp though :ph34r: . We need some real good hard weather mate.
  9. Cuckoos, who mentioned Cuckoos? It was probably a Dove or a Pigeon cooing. Bear me in mind lads when you hear your first Cuckoos. I'm into them.
  10. Yeah, Jet did it for me and Russel Crowe . I can't recall anymore though. I'd have liked to of seen Shania Twaine in one of those lycra cossies.
  11. Cutting back the heather next to a reservoir today and me and a mate spots a female Mallard with eight ducklings in tow, I kid you not. I'll try and get a photo tomorrow. Anyone else seen anything to indicate the first signs of spring?
  12. cragman

    Book Poll

    How come there's nowt on the list by Sean Frain?
  13. While excersising hounds today in the fells;) , I heard it was THREE books that were due out. "Fox Control", a book about Middletons Terriers and a novel about a fox or something . I'm ordering all three, I've a wonky fridge that needs supporting. :whistle:
  14. Who's going to revue this one for the boys? Due out in May, order your copy NOW! http://www.allbookstores.com/book/19040578...ox_Control.html
  15. cragman


    http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/newsid_4...600/4595620.stm What crap . Keep hunting, keep docking. Tony Banks would turn in his grave!
  16. Burn his body in secret then scatter his ashes on a fell top so the hounds, when passing in pursuit of their quarry, can cock a leg and piss on him, cos that what he did to thousands of hunting supporters. :realmad:
  17. Hiya mate. Just because there are lots of holes doesn't necessarily mean there's plenty of rats. Some could be old, unused holes whereas others could be recent ones from young rats or rats that have moved into the area. Seen it many times when ferreting large warrens only to bolt three or four. Have you a dog(s) to mark for you? This will tell you which holes the rats are in or around, for they'll be moving below if they sense danger. It'll be hard work on your own mate. You'll need eyes in the back of your head. Get that smoker smoking! Sometimes it's better to dig them out if you get a defin
  18. Not to hand, but if I bump into him I'll try and make sure I've got my camera with me.
  19. There's a guy near to me that breeds those type. Nice little things. He vets EVERY home that he sells to and insists that it's a working home. The guy is from Germany and his stock have originally come from over there. I see him sometimes walking them and it's a right sight, littleTeckels all over the place. They have noses that will struggle to be beaten, if you don't train 'em right, when they pick up a line you can say goodbye to your dog! Small in size but with the heart of a lion.
  20. cragman


    Barraboy, you're spot on mate. The press ALWAYS distort the truth to appease the masses, if they think that's what will please them :realmad: . Shower of c*nts! :realmad: KEEP HUNTING AND POSTING.
  21. cragman


    I've not seen one since I was a kid. And then I got a crack off my brother for running in to tell him I'd seen a flock of them :realmad: . He thought I was telling lies. Lovely birds aren't they.
  22. Nice C6 there Lamps. :ph34r: Accipiter Nisus.
  23. What is it with Coventry? :ph34r:
  24. You think those photos were bad?????!!!!!..... Try and get hold of this by him........ "Rabbiting with Dog, Gun, Hawk, Ferret, Hound, Lawnmower, Strimmer, Smoker, Toaster et al"......Cragman's title name should be adopted by the author!!!... . And seeing / reading that , they'll be carrying you out of the shop!!!. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You shouldn't have told them Chief. :11: A picture from the book, rabbit with pillion passenger, the noble ferret. Drawn by the great man himself! http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y9/cragma...303book0001.jpg
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