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Posts posted by cragman

  1. Third week on the bounce at this farm on a Friday. Previously, I’d shot one on the first visit, then two last week and last night I’d just got onto the field when I spotted this fella mooching around. The Hornet flattened him and I was on the way home after two minutes! 


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  2. Had the caller on last night at a place I go on, vixen in heat call but didn’t get anything to take the bait. However on the walk back to the farm, this massive dog fox and vixen were almost side by side, I shot the dog and turned round and the vixen just carried on mooching about, not 50 yards away! She got the same treatment. How on earth she didn’t spook when I shot the dog I don’t know. Weighed the dog this morning, 17.5lbs. A good night after all 👍🏻


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  3. Onto my must recent permission on Saturday and I’d not long left the farm yard when I spotted a fox just leaving a field. I cut across this field to try to head off Charlie boy. A few fences later and a quick scan with the spotter and I sees the fox coming down a track towards me…with the wind in my favour! A quick squeak and he stopped long enough for a shot. A big dog fox in fine fettle. I heard a few fox barks as well but I’m not convinced it was an actual fox. There have been poachers in the area and it did sound like a caller to me. Anyone one heard any foxes calling yet? Number six this in three visits 👍🏻


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  4. Went up to a farm yesterday to clear some undergrowth for todays ratting session and was asked to come back last night as a fox had been trying to get into the pen. Waited an hour for this dog to make his way towards me. He stopped at 75 yards to test the wind…Hornet and Wraith with a Vmax round 


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  5. Popped onto a farm I haven’t been on for a while, expecting to find a litter running around. Didn’t find a litter but stopped this big vixen at 60 yards and nearly had another that came in nicely until it winded me. Lucky fox, I was just about to pull the trigger. I’ll have it next time 👍🏻 .22 Hornet with a Wraith on top, a 35gr Vmax hitting the engine room


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  6. Waited for this chap for nigh on an hour last night. He wouldn’t come to any call, so I waited for him to come to me. He was in no hurry, disappearing for a few minutes in cover then reappearing. I was stood near a chicken pen, watching rats scurrying all over the place with a tawny owl also watching. Dropped the fox at about 85 yards with the Hornet/wraith and a v max pill 👍🏻


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  7. Be interesting when there’s a fire on UU land. There won’t be many keepers and countrymen helping them to fight it, and they’ll have all the right gear ?? All good will lost in one go ?

  8. 9 hours ago, DIDO.1 said:

    The chief executive is a big shooting man as well 

    He’s gone and a woke, anti has taken over and moved her team in. The antis have got at them ??

    fishing will be next 

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