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Everything posted by cragman

  1. *Blacks are doing some great price reductions on boots online with free delivery or pick up ??
  2. Great shooting. Could be dropped but as you say, there’s a lot of food there. I shot four in one night on a horsey place with the shotgun years ago. They were almost tame and full of mange. Managed a few litters but nothing on that scale ??
  3. It’s been knocked about FD, a bit like a go to semi auto shotgun strapped across a quad for those emergencies ??
  4. I’ve done that a few times as well SD, nothing wrong with that ??
  5. Dropped this vixen tonight after calling for 15 minutes. Came in lovely and parked up 75 yards away. .22 Hornet and lamp. I’ve thought about moving this rifle on but it’s ideal for the smaller permissions I have, crackin’ round. Out with the keeper last week and he knocked a dog fox over from 150 yards but I couldn’t find it. He’d seen it run on leaving a trail. Went back in the morning and it had made it to a rabbit hole entrance 50 yards away ??
  6. I’m trying a pair of Grisport Ranger boots at the moment due to fecking up with size when ordering a pair of Meindl Burma. So far so good. Quite a soft boot but good fit and good to go out of the box. Just done three hard days out with hounds on the fells and boots are fine. Been through some wet boggy places and no wet feet. Lots of room in them and good support ??
  7. I’ve got one of these. Handy for throwing on should the weather turn chilly ??
  8. I still see guys wearing them, I had a pair years ago but prefer the lighter gortex type now
  9. Just got some Gri Sport Rangers for £125. Trying on a recommendation and work is funding them. Otherwise I swear by meindl Vakuum or Burma for hunting and walking in and I mean long distances not out of the vehicle to the front door. But more than £100 though.
  10. “And now from Norwich, it’s the quiz of the week” good innings that. Still working on the radio until recently as well. RIP
  11. View Advert Meindl Burma boots For sale, brand new boxed Meindl Burma pro gortex boots. Worn for an hour so mint condition, too small for me. Size 8. Bought late last year, still got the receipt. These will get you up scafell in comfort. £140 posted Advertiser cragman Date 27/01/20 Price £140.00 Category Clothing and Footwear  
  12. I’m out tomorrow night instead. Having a glass of wine with our lass ?
  13. Loved him when he worked with Basil Brush ? ??
  14. cragman

    Free lamp

    Looks like a Buffalo River. I use one. Great lamps that hold their charge. Nice gesture ??
  15. He was probably only reading what someone else had written for him. I agree with stiffy, can’t stand the guy
  16. No, but the lure of a “fanny” might have been too tempting, if he dressed up like a lady boy ?
  17. Dropped this fella tonight. Been after him a while, third visit but with the .222 this time ??
  18. I’ve got a lamp set up for sale, it’s a tracer lamp and battery. Could do it you for £140 posted. Have a look under lamps etc in the for sale section
  19. cragman

    County Down

    Wish I was there Chid, I’d certainly attend and support. My folks are from that way and I visit every year. I love the place, lots of great childhood memories from along the river quoile and Downpatrick. Good luck to them ??
  20. Can’t beat being a grand parent. All mine were here today bouncing off the walls and ceiling and climbing all over me. Enjoy it Socks ??
  21. Same with the adverts these days, always a black guy/white woman or the other way around. Brainwashing I call it
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