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Everything posted by cragman

  1. Playing in a suit wearing a tie. No double or triple bass pedal for him. He could make a drum kit talk back. What a drum solo that is, watched it many times ?? I don’t read music, I’m self taught. I remember asking our music teacher to teach me how to read music but he told me more or less to feck off ?
  2. I like the ska and reggae stuff but will have a go at anything. Used to play lots of stones music years ago
  3. Yep, Copeland is excellent, good style of playing. Went to watch Procal Harum last year and Geoff Dunn is a great drummer. Buddy Rich takes some beating though
  4. I had a premier kit. Got it when I started work in the 70s and it took me years to pay it off. Used to play the clubs and pubs. I sold it to pay for our Christmas when the kids were young. I got asked to play with a group recently but turned it down. Should have got up now in hindsight. Thing is, I can afford any drum kit I want now. Been looking at gretsch kits ?
  5. Used to play drums in a group many moons ago and still have the interest in playing. I’m even thinking about getting another kit
  6. RIP Peter Bonetti, ex Chelsea goalie knicknamed “The Cat”, dies after long illness ?
  7. It is but it hasn’t stopped vandalism and two fires this week
  8. Yep, lock it down properly, it’s the only way we’ll clear this mess up. Lots of folk about today where I work looking like lost sheep. Never normally see them. Dreading weekend and this afternoon we’ve had a fire! Empty headed b*****ds ?
  9. Watched “Film Stars Don’t Die In Liverpool” last night, very good ????
  10. Must have just happened, he was in an helicopter earlier
  11. No Guinness but a whisker chaser and an IPA will do, all the best
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