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Everything posted by cragman

  1. Get to a dermatologist mate, they should be able to help.
  2. The trackers on utilities vehicles can tell them back at head office what speed you’re doing and what the speed limit is on the road you’re driving at that moment in time! No quite limiters but as good as
  3. It’s a minefield sometimes. I know lads who wear the Dovre and they’re very happy with them. The Glockners look a better boot than the burmas so I’ll be getting those when I get somewhere to try them
  4. The only mink I like to see are dead ones. They decimate the wildlife in rivers, on the river banks and in the countryside. Go the polecat/ferret cross way if you insist on this kind of project, great rabbiters and ratters, wick and tough little feckers. I know a guy who has this cross mustelid and has kept them years. Not for the faint hearted though.
  5. Yep, another to skip. They’ve ticked some boxes with this. That Bradley guy, he’s on everything at the moment as well, sick of the sight of him
  6. Roger Hunt, Liverpool legend and World Cup winner with England in ‘66 has passed away. Great player in his day RIP Sir
  7. Tried Grisport keeper boots recently, and after three months my feet are drenched after a heavy shower. Back to miendl it is then
  8. Probably, but this wasn’t planned and it works for now.
  9. I left an inch of grain in the feed bin and with the hole squirrels have chewed out at the top, with the lid on this is turning into a decent trap for rats. They drop in but can’t get out. Six since last thursday ??
  10. Yes, I spotted two charlies last night coming down a wall side. Easily id’d. Watched a rabbit as well two hundred yards away, no problems. Heat sources out beyond what they say. Real vital bit of kit. My mate listened to what I was telling him then got the rifle up when the fox was within range ??
  11. Today’s view. ?? I’ve a great job
  12. Came with the traps Eddie. I’ve got a ridge tile over it and it’s along a drystone wall by the farm. I check a line for the keeper most mornings as I’m there helping the old farmer out
  13. Forth weasel in this trap in twelve days…family coming through, watch your fingers!
  14. I don’t order coffee from a shop anymore, I’ve found a roadside greasy spoon which has a sign saying “I only serve Nescafé out of a jar”. It’s bliss and only £1.20. He fills my own cup up too for no extra ??
  15. Couldn’t believe my eyes earlier watching the Tour Of Britain when after the race talking and being interviewed was Philippa York, also known as Robert Millar. He was a hard as nails king of the mountains winner in the Tour de France in the 80s and could climb with the best of them. I loved watching him ride a bike. I’d read somewhere years ago that he’d changed sex but tonight was the first time I’d seen and heard him/her. Must have took some bottle to announce that. How times change
  16. cragman


    I subscribe to ST, get it half price, wait for the ad to pop up around December time and renew. I also buy Rifle Shooter. ST has recently incorporated another magazine within its pages, can’t think off hand which one, maybe sporting shooter. It has got better IMO
  17. Watched The Green Book the other night. Excellent film
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