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Everything posted by cragman

  1. Bought an airgun with my first wage at 16. Walked through the town to the canal with the gun over my shoulder to try. Then got on the bus to my girlfriends, no one batted an eyelid then walked home with it later ??
  2. Anyone going to this weekends Northern Shooting Show? I’ll be there Saturday
  3. cragman


    Yep, read them in the past. Good read when all was well with our pastimes and the world
  4. Here’s one from last year. They loose all sense of caution once the Cubs are on their feet, or at least this pair did. The farmer took this photo of a fox stalking a lamb. I picked up both the parents and the two Cubs later that month. Not had a call from this place yet…
  5. Abe books have books with that title
  6. Careful, this could be a red herring. Take nothing for granted and stay alert. I wouldn’t trust anything the antis say. Sounds a bit planned to me
  7. Wait ‘til June/July if possible when they’re grounded then cull in your own time. I prick or take the eggs at this time of year but also shoot during the day and evening if I’m asked.
  8. My daughter loves him and his concerts are something else I’m told. But in answer to your question….yes ?
  9. Before I take the plunge, has anyone got a spare extension rail for a Sight Mark Wraith HD they’d sell to me? Thanks, C
  10. cragman


    That what makes my piss boil. I’ve paid in for nigh on fifth years and luckily I’ve been pretty fortunate not to need anything major, only through looking after myself later on I might add. When the time comes for getting treatment I’ll be at the back of the queue regardless of how much I’ve paid and how often I’ve needed the NHS. That’s not right in anyones way of thinking ?
  11. Watched similar in a keepers yard once…though the hair was coming from a dead fox!
  12. Not seen Cubs but heard of a few litters being dispatched. Watched a vixen (I think) on Friday night going to a place so I’m watching it. Only just started lambing here so I’ll expect a call soon
  13. My daughter won 250£s. With her surname being Noble, she stuck a fiver on the winner ??
  14. cragman


    I bought a copy the other week and thought it was an ok read. Maybe the articles that particular week appealed to me more but I enjoyed the read. The new format was overdue and there’re a few decent writers chipping in.
  15. Last visit this morning, just the four, three of them out of one drey ?? My work is done
  16. I keep my appointments up, have done for years. My teeth are ok, at least I can enjoy a steak or an apple ? I look forward to going because I know it’s a good thing to keep up.
  17. View Advert Photo RT I have a Photon RT 6x50s for sale. Excellent condition. Comes boxed, with bag, mounts x 2, two rechargeable pulsar batteries and charger with box plus the original two battery cases and associated wire connections. Advertiser cragman Date 23/03/22 Price £300.00 Category Optics, Night Vision and Thermal Imaging  
  18. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For Sale
    • Used

    I have a Photon RT 6x50s for sale. Excellent condition. Comes boxed, with bag, mounts x 2, two rechargeable pulsar batteries and charger with box plus the original two battery cases and associated wire connections.


  19. Dropped on a spot we do every year this morning early doors. Drey poking is almost as good as ferreting or ratting. Managed seven compared with 38 in two visits last year. Definitely noticed an increase in the birds last summer so we’ve made a difference. Due for a final check on Friday but it was a lot quieter this morning ??
  20. Does anybody know where I might get another micro card similar to the one below, that has calls on it? The one I have is playing up and the caller itself was expensive. Be a shame to bin it. I’ve tried contacting MM Sporting who used to sell the mini mag callers but they never got back to me. They said it was the card and they’d look for a spare for me. Or can anyone copy calls onto a card for me? Cheers
  21. I don’t collect but I have an old gin trap somewhere going rusty. Fascinated by the different traps that are or were used. When I visited Canada a few years ago, there were a couple of shops near to us that sold old traps, all kinds, beaver, muskrat, mouse rat etc. Wished I’d brought some home with me
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