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Everything posted by Uk-Neil

  1. Uk-Neil

    HP sauce

    Just truest the new HP guiness sauce I bought from ASDA, and its amazing. I put mine on a tuna and cheese sandwhich haha Have you tried it ? And what's your wierdest sandwhich ??
  2. Up to now I've been using nylon nets and I've totally had enough of tangles and snaps... Thanks a lot ATB
  3. I'm wanting new nets for the new season, can anyone point me in the right direction ? ATB Neil.
  4. Lol yeah that's exactly what happend lol, gave my missus a heart attack it did. She was flapping about not knowing what to do. Then the ferret, coco, looked up all innocently !! Bloody thing lol
  5. Excellent thanks guys got worried that's all
  6. I went to go and pick my ferret up earlier, and she was floppy not moving, eyes closed and shook her gently, still no sign of life. I finally told my missus that our ferret had died. She was in bits, n suddenly ferret woke up fright. Is this normal after about 10 mins of me trying to wake her??
  7. Wow predictive text on my phone is horrible, meant to say hot spicey bollies lol
  8. Hot apocryphal holiest are working very well for me this year, buy good quality though
  9. Believe it or not my local Boyes shop sell some, no brand but the quality is amazing, puts my jack pyke to shame, and for 17 quid...
  10. Should have done some research before hand buddy...
  11. Just throw it in, build their imune system
  12. let me know if you got that and thanks
  13. cannot pm, im using a nintendo wii LOL
  14. Does anyone have a contact number for him, would like to purchase a box from him.
  15. Recieved, shall be showing the missus when she is home from work buddy.
  16. Too much sugar in jam right ???
  17. 07540863170, send me pick buddy I'm in rossington
  18. Can't help you there bud welcome to the site
  19. I wear what I feel comfortable in mate, but a lot of people don't see it like that
  20. quid takes the lot !!! Don't miss out
  21. Yes I work, at amazon, been there 2 years now
  22. Cost me in excess of £350... or swap for a Deben mk1 finder + 1 collor
  23. After Reading some very negative comments about "nike" trainers and such... i do feel welcomed so thanks for ot judging me and compairing me to every other "Youth"
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