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The Duncan

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Everything posted by The Duncan

  1. you might want to double check that one mate I've used both and find the kick less pronounced on a 12 than on a 20. Probably because 12's tend to be a tad heavier.
  2. £50 will also get you a slab of 32g 6 1/2 Eley pigeon. I am very, very confident with these carts. Cheers D.
  3. You make sense Alycidon and I see where your coming from. D.
  4. like a terrier who doesn't know when to drop the rat...
  5. Your landowners must be delighted! Well done! Duncan.
  6. You are assuming he is not licensed for the ammo he is requesting? I do have some friends who arent RFD's but have a similar list of permitted calibres on their tickets. D.
  7. That's Newport Pagnell - near Milton Keynes and Bedford - North Buckinghamshire
  8. Love the bottom pic - cute pooch!!! Duncan
  9. What sort of dog is that red one mate if you dont mind me asking.......good looking animal that. The big red buggers are Rhodesian Ridgebacks - aka Lion Hounds. Cheers Duncan
  10. Crackin write up moley and good to hear you're putting out some good karma to someone who needs it. Solid chap! Keep it up mate Duncan
  11. Nice trip mate and a success on your first outing - well done you!!! I hope it tastes/tasted as good as it looks. Cheers Duncan.
  12. On really good days I'll get 10 for 10 and go home with a big smug smile on my face. Yesterday I shot like a t*at and would not want to count the carts I missed with! In front of a guest too lol! Duncan
  13. Nice going Chrispy! Are you still on the PW? or are you out of favour too lol? Duncan
  14. To be fair, last year was a massive year for most moors. It will be very hard to match D
  15. I imagine your next years result will be far better for a bit of predator control and a bit of medicated grit. Get a rota going and reap the rewards Cheers Duncan
  16. I bet you're both like dogs with 2 d1cks lol!
  17. Welcome aboard Sam. Whereabouts are you from? Cheers Duncan.
  18. Irony of ironies! Inspired by this thread I thought it high time I had a glass of wine, set off down the stairs to be floored by one of the cats - lil black fecker! bruised back, carpet burn on elbow and jarred shoulder. Never happens when I've had a couple!
  19. The abstemious ones! Until I was in my 30's I rarely drank, then I quit smoking and drank a fair bit more. As i was always a gym/dojo bunny, when I got a lot of injury type set-backs and couldn't train anymore I think I went slightly off the rails booze wise and had a bottle of red most nights and generally drank more than I should have done, which wasn't a problem because I liked it Healed up enough now to be back in full time training, so drinking has lost a lot of its allure. I do still like to have a few at the weekends though; enough to get silly anyway Shooting clays on a saturd
  20. My preference would be 32g of no6, but if I've run out, I've used 28g 7 1/2s and kept the ranges shorter - say 30ish yards. They've done a perfectly acceptable job and killed cleanly. I am most confident with no6 though. D.
  21. In the hunting field there's no such thing as "a few mins" lol! That'll teach you to send the other half to the van Cheers for a funny read, D.
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