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The Duncan

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Everything posted by The Duncan

  1. As I said, my gut told me to grab the heaviest load I had to hand; I'm sure you more experienced shotgunners will come to a more considered opinion than I concerning appropriate loads through a full-choked 12 bore, to cull a fox. Cheers, Duncan.
  2. Nice going deano and you bagged some very tasty looking bunnies there. Are you shooting feral or woodpigeons - Woodies are amazingly good to eat, but I wouldn't eat the feral pigeons (rats with wings as you rightly pointed out). Good luck, and if its woodies you're after, Moley is right: you will get more with a hide and deeks D Ps loverly rifle - can't beat a Weihrauch! Had a 97K myself and regretted selling it ever since - only so much room in the gun cabinet!
  3. A truly entertaining thread fellas; sadly my only spooky times out in the fields have been down to my own fertile imagination and watching 'Dogsoldiers' before rabbiting at dusk. Erudite as I can be, I can honestly say that hearing what sounded like heavy claws on the roof of a dutch barn a few feet above me really sh1t me up for a while - no silver bullets! D
  4. I'm waiting for the breeze to die a bit too. I've got this german chap to put through his paces: So far I've only had to chance to zero it and even then windage had to be done at close range. Very impressed so far though Duncan
  5. When I first got into shotguns I was out with a friend culling crows near beef barns with a Bettinsoli 12ga with full chokes using no6 shot (32g) when I spotted charlie stalking one of the pheasants. I slipped back to the car to get my 36g of no4 shot to 'do' him and of course he had gone. Phil Rowley (shooting buddy) said that at 25 yards with full choke I'd have blown charlies head off with the carts I already had in - oops live and learn! What did surprise me was watching the gaudily coloured cock pheasant giving the wily fox the slip ! amazing really Duncan
  6. wasp trap = large jar with 2 holes drilled in lid, large enough for jaspers to crawl in but not big enough once they are using their wings to try and fly out again. Fill with sugary lemonade (tesco's cheapest) and jam around the entry holes to entice them. 2 jars for me makes 500 wasps a fortnight They do die off in the winter - block the holes they were using and job done! Put wasp traps out again in the spring though and keep em down D
  7. Sounds ideal Rob. Once the horses are used to you, you'll barely need to have them in the stables. i've shot close to horses for years with a silenced pcp and they hardly notice it going off. Good luck with your new venture! Duncan
  8. I got that letter also, it does make you grow up straight away!!! Holding FAC and SGC does make a man more responsible. Even in roadrage incidents I won't engage and I reckon i'd come off well ahead physically - but I won't risk my certs! When I was younger and more of a fighter things may have been different, but now I have a lot to lose for the sake of self-control. D
  9. Give it 5+ years of not getting noticed by the police for drink related offences or any other behaviour that relates to public order etc and they may consider you fit to hold shotguns or firearms. Until that point comes neither they nor me would consider you to be a safe custodian of any kind of firearm. I wish you all the best in life. Duncan.
  10. Stunning dogs mate, especially the greys. If I didn't have such a full pack myself I would be very tempted indeed. I admire your drive to find them the best homes and wish you every luck. All the best Duncan
  11. Hi all, I've got a slab and a half of lyalvale 12b 28gramme in no 7 1/2 with plastic wads, but I rarely go clay shooting. I'd love to swap for .17 hmr ammo of any description or pigeon load carts in 12 bore, cash adjustment if needed. Cheers Duncan.
  12. The Duncan


    ah WILF is a name not an acronym! I thought along the lines of MILF but for object fetishists - What I'd Like to F*ck
  13. South American Cottontails - immune to the myxoma virus
  14. Very, very satisfying dude! Thanks for taking the effort to record it - well done and much appreciated. On my local ratty farm yard they are so cocky that they are happy to come out during the day! When I next get chance I'll be after 'em. Cheers D
  15. any breed of dog if it has a stupid owner who doesn't make sure the dog knows where it stands and who is the pack leader. ie nuisance dogs.
  16. Thanks all Looks like it'll be 110 yards then for zero to start and a lot of practise to get used to the new range and trajectory. I'm looking forward to zeroing it etc as soon as the howling winds around here subside! Typical ! Cheers D
  17. Hi folks; similar to Pledgey's topic re rimfire zeroing range. I've just got my Weihrauch HW60J in .17 hmr flavour and haven't had chance to zero it yet. What do people find the best range to zero at ? Many thanks in advance, Duncan.
  18. Where are you in the country? Could be what i'm looking for. Cheers D.
  19. just trying too tease ya's which ones which?
  20. Disappointed. From the title I thought you were about to describe 4 blind dates. Ho hum
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