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The Duncan

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Everything posted by The Duncan

  1. Nowt wrong with believing in mystical beings: god, allah, the tooth fairy. How's about a bit of tolerance for our 'native' religions and adopted native religions? IMHO its all hogwash, but if people want to believe it, they can fill their boots
  2. The Duncan


    WTF indeed! and wtf were you looking for?
  3. They keep the vermin down in my extensive experience, so serve a purpose. Downside is you can't feed the birds anymore, which is why I'm not keen on them. Down to the wife (and a soft rescuing kind of heart) we have 8 of the brutes. Not seen a rat since we got them though. I have a few friends who knock cats off given the chance, but I make no bones about it; kill my animals, there will be retribution and it'll look like an accident
  4. Great going Cookie! Still to break 50 birds myself Any news on the proposed Clay Flush from the 'darkside' ? Glad to team up with you again D.
  5. Thank god! Thought my shooting had gone downhill! Couldn't get better than an inch group at 110 yards from a sitting position (FT style). Will get a stud fitted asap so I can use my harris bi-pod. So, to ask a stupid question, do you guys all shoot prone? Cheers D.
  6. Quick update chaps! Got a great deal on a virtually unused CZ511 - yes, a semi auto! Not to Jonno's taste I know, but hellishly good fun and it cycles RWS subs as fast as you can pull the safe 'n sensible trigger. Ok, accuracy-wise bunnies are readily do-able out to 60 ish yards and groups about an inch there when I do my job right. 40 yards its bullet on bullet. My old 452 varmint would group at 60 yards like this does at 40, but I like the speed at which a second shot is available. Anyway, beyond 60 yards, I'll be using the hmr so longer range accuracy just isn't really an issue for me
  7. So, does everyone use a bipod with their hmr? I'm coming to the conclusion that you pretty much need one to achieve its potential. Otherwise I'd end up using mine like an overly powerful rimfire at shorter ranges than it is capable of.
  8. nail it to a board fur side down,and rub plenty of salt into the skin.then you scrape it after a few weeks.and bash it.never actually done it,but seen it done.you will need a lot of pelts if its a fur coat for the wifes xmas lol I'll give it a go thanks Scothunter - will report back once I've tried it. Cheers Graham; hose down first - check. Fur coat for the wife lol! Full of life D.
  9. Nice one Leonard; welcome to the forum fella Duncan.
  10. Nice one - welcome back to the fold D.
  11. The Duncan


    Hi folks, does anyone make use of rabbit fur on here? I've been looking into tanning it and not wasting the fur but keep drawing a blank on 'how to' guides and what chemicals/consumables to use and where to get them. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Cheers Duncan.
  12. Not complaining! Got new toys to play with, weather permitting . Managed to unearth my harris bipod to put on the new hmr, but now its blowing a hooley in my neck of the woods. I reckon if its not an a 'pod, I'll end up just using it like a standard rimfire which would be a waste of the gun. Getting to grips with inland wildfowling too; busy, busy, busy
  13. I think they were confused - solstice is 21st December. Possibly they meant the Equinox?
  14. Nice to know our mods have a balance of country sports in their CV's How's it going Malt? D.
  15. The old dog versus gun rears its horribly ugly head again. Ancient tradition? Hunt with a dog. Fast results? Lamp and rifle. D.
  16. I love mine - lovely wood too. And if you miss, you do so with italian style
  17. And a strong sense of self-delusionment I notice dogs are mentioned, but no need to be a sharp shot with a rifle or shotgun D.
  18. Wife bought me one years ago, rarely used. Recently taken it along for pigeon decoying as a waterproof place to go when it pees down and adds to the screen I use. Now much more useful Couldnt really swing a shotgun from one and quite restrictive for rifle use IMHO. Cheers D.
  19. First observation is KEEP BOTH, and get something else in between as well, but lets assume there is a good reason why two will have to go and be replaced by one. Do you reload? If so pretty much whatever you want! If not get a .243, and quite probably get a .243 anyway!! Thanks for your reply, firstly No i dont reload, i often thought about it, but being a lazy gitt, thought it too complicated, although i have seen the benefits of homeload accuracy. Secondly , my issuing force is Dyfed Powys Police, they wouldn't give you the steam of their shit let alone another rifle in betw
  20. Great to have European hunting colleagues congregating here! Greetings to you both I sometimes wish I was flemish, purely for the possible chat-up lines. "Have you ever had some flem in your throat? ..." D
  21. hahaha ive got all the time in the world duncan do you have a problem with women :tongue2: Lol! Absolutely no problems with women, nor punctuation
  22. The Duncan


    Not bad mate! Mine are 16 and 11 (tomorrow!) and I limit them to a couple of hours a day telly/screen based activity. Read, walk dogs, homework, outdoor activities need to be done!! D.
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