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The Duncan

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Everything posted by The Duncan

  1. Hi guys, just looking to pick some brains. I'm really enjoying life with the CZ511 semi-auto, but my only (slight) gripe is that the trigger could be a bit lighter. Does anyone have any tips to make this smashing little rifle even better? Appreciate any help! Cheers Duncan.
  2. Loving my CZ511 semi auto. With RWS subs it cycles flawlessly and has more than acceptable accuracy. My only slight criticism is that the trigger could be a bit lighter - post coming up! The fast repeat shots are an excellent plus point D
  3. I keep my defence of what I do short: every meal containing meat means something has to die. When I shoot it myself, I know it hasn't suffered and has died instantly, without pain and has lived a wild free existence. Can the cheap chicken munching moaner have a leg to stand on? (obviously by cheap chicken, I also mean anyone who ever eats fast food chicken!) D.
  4. These herrings Dean, do they happen to be red? D.
  5. Seems easier just to snap their necks, with less equipment. My mate uses a multi-tool pliers - they still flap a bit though. or of course, you can just pull their little heads off- done it a few times by accident in the early days. No arguments about whether they are dead or not then!
  6. Youre not wrong there Kev (regarding age) - and it does get easier as you get older. ATB Duncan.
  7. too right- a lot of man hours invested in managing vermin of all sizes.
  8. I'm not sure I could put one of my own dogs down; I would rather have a trusted friend do it. But .22lr? Physiologicallly, would it 'do' a Ridgeback or Staffordshire Bull Terrier? I'm not entirely sure. hate to be graphic, but this question may come to me. Edit: agreed on the point about going to the vets slab - had a totally beloved GSD put down a few years ago down to kidney failure (he was only 7) and the look in his eyes as the needle sought his vein was one of betrayal. This vision will haunt me to the grave. I would rather he had gone 'on the hill' without knowing it was coming.
  9. Bollocks!!!!!!!!!!!! Saw the thread too late! D
  10. Schools permission depends on the head teacher. I've had permissions on boarding schools before I moved away. The Head in question also wanted to know I head 3rd party indemnity insurance (standard with the above mentioned organisations). I was dealing with rabbits and ferals and ended up donating shot rabbits to their biology dept for dissection. It is always worth asking with the right approach!!! Best of luck, Duncan
  11. TBH, an HW35 is only surpassed by modern springers in terms of refinement. Most made close to 12 fpe but even 10.5fpe is more than adequate for rabbit hunting at sensible ranges; accuracy is everything afterall.
  12. 'It matters not how strait the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul' Henley.
  13. "This is the sort of english up with which I shall not put". W Churchill c1925.
  14. The best plan by a country mile!
  15. I throttle any downed but not out birds - pass out within 10 secs, dead shortly after. Strangely peaceful and satisfying (does that make me a bad person?) D.
  16. I was doing some duck shooting last week, using 32g of no4 steel (all the shop had at the time), few duck coming in but woodies seemed to know they were 'safe'. I got bored waiting and the woodies soon found out they weren't safe. No4 in steel pulverises em!
  17. Thanks Tegater and Snapshot, I appreciate your responses. It's new territory for me to use a bipod regularly. I got bought a harris one for a birthday present a few years back (wifey!) and tried it on my HW100S, but I'd been a keen FT'er for years and found it more of an encumbrance. When I went up to a rimfire, range was extended certainly, but I found FT sitting position and shooting at quarry using supported shots (leaning against fences, trees etc) to suit the task well enough. The HMR is on another level really and I am enjoying getting to grips with it. Long range sniping tool for cert
  18. I had a friend telling me cats can't handle full grown rats - my front lawn told an opposite story for weeks! All quiet on the rat front now
  19. With you apart from shooting them! Anyone of a foreign culture who complains about our native culture/religion should be put back on the boat to where they came from toute suite, with their families. No, GB aint perfect, but love it or leave it! Sick of being tolerant to imports who aren't tolerant to the country they've elected to inhabit. Should get like Oz and the US when it comes to immigrants. Not open to all. Rant over (for now) D PS - remember various local councils telling businesses to take down England flags during world/european cups? So as not to upset migran
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