I have a whippet and have often thought about it because i have seen race horses on TV swimming.
How far do you swim ?
And whereabouts do you swim them?
its what i use, very good stuff.
Use it aswell good stuff my dog went under a barbed wire fence and on the top of her head she ripped the skin completely open about an inch and a half long and thats what i got for it
I got a lend of a lure off my mate and i was just looking to know how far i should run it
I asked the boy how far to run it but hes the sort of person who says things like " Awk sure you will know yourself". lol
The dog is a Pure KC Whippet and is 16kg the last time she was wieghed and i know the she is a little over wieght
I will get some pictures up maybe tomorow