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Everything posted by jessythewhippet

  1. Anyone......................................................................
  2. I thought a British Cnut like you would come out with somthing like that go Fcuk the queen
  3. Can someone please comment on my post about buying a clulite CB2 lmap PLEASE :D

  4. Anyone know where to get good Wide Calf Wellies as my legs dont fit the normal ones LOL By the way this probably should be pinned All comments appreciated
  5. How many torches have you got in total?
  6. Can someone tell me what they think of this lamp as it will be the first lamp i have ever bought, I will be using it for lamping rabbits just, also feel free to recommend other lamps and what batteries to use (Note I am not made of money and no way I could afford one of those extremley expensive Lithium yokes) LOL . The land that I will be lamping will be small to medium. Thank You
  7. thank you very much for that information
  8. how much fruit/veg what kinds and how much pasta/rice/brown bread I feed mine in the evening between 7-9am because the exercise is during the daytime
  9. So maybe i should feed half pound of mince and a hald pound of chicken wings and when you talk about brown bread how many slices per day
  10. What about if i fed minced beef how would i get bones into their diet?
  11. Thanks and I have heard people writing about bones being good whatsort of bones
  12. If you've done the research then you'll have an idea JT that was a pretty useless comment lol
  13. Yeah I know have done lots research and now i just want to know how much Raw i should feed per day and what else to mix in ie veggy
  14. BUMP! She gets a 3.5mile walk everyday and also gets about 5 to 6 runs on the lure anout 4 to 5 times a week
  15. Thinking of changing from Dry food (Redmills) to Raw beef if so how much would you recommend roughly a day she should get eg. (1lb - 2lb) and also what else should she get on a day to day basis eg brown bread. Also have heard of people feeding veggies what sort and do you boil them or what She is a Pure KC Whippet and is around nearly 16kg My reasons for the decision to change to RAW is that i have seen dogs on here on raw and they look very very well Thank you
  16. My KC whippet ( Please dont comment on my collar I know its crap i lost my other one) lol
  17. Why not just use a good collar and a bit of rope I have a good collar but prefer leather because it slides through the collar easier and is much better on my hand when the dog pulls... Just my preference. Yeah true about its much better on your hand when your mutt pulls
  18. Why not just use a good collar and a bit of rope
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