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Everything posted by jessythewhippet

  1. Rhys Jones thats the most welsh name i have seen on here in a while
  2. Lithium Battery 22ah £229 Lightforce Striker 170mm £100 (but got £10 knocked off)
  3. Splashed out today went out and upgraded my lamping setuo from a Clulite CB2 to a Lightforce Striker and Lithium 22ah Battery and im well chuffed with myself! Think of putting a 75watt or 50watt bulb in instead of the 100watt to get even longer out of a charge what do you lads think?
  4. Swelling is down and foot looks normal so its not all bad, the only thing i was wondering about was the pad is hanging down and is not in contact with the other bit of pad would you suggest maybe putting a little bit of tape around her leg to hold it together if you know what i mean and it is the pad up her leg that im talking about you mean the front stopper? The correct name for it is the Carpal Pad
  5. Do you not think the Blitz drains the batterys very fast even with a 22ah lithium?
  6. Swelling is down and foot looks normal so its not all bad, the only thing i was wondering about was the pad is hanging down and is not in contact with the other bit of pad would you suggest maybe putting a little bit of tape around her leg to hold it together if you know what i mean and it is the pad up her leg that im talking about
  7. Thanks for all the advice, when do you think I should be able to take her walking agian as her paw is swollen at the moment? Thanks
  8. No mate its not ripped off its just sliced through about half way i put the bandage on lastnight took it off this morning and it seems to be sticking back together, just her foot has swelled so i gave her half an anti-inflamitory tablet
  9. Yes, i took the bandage off and the wee stopping pad seems to be together but her foot has swelled up so I gave her half an anti-inflamitory to get the swelling down, was wondering should i use that terrahmycin blue spray that farmers use because im not using a bandage? Thanks
  10. Out with the dog lamping tonight slipped her at a rabbit chassing it and turning it then i noticed a lane that ran up along the hedge in the field she chased it donw the lane and turned it and whilst she was turning she fell and the rabbit slipped into the hedge, when she was trotting back to me I said to my mate theres somthing not right here, im gonna check her feet, she came back and the lamp was turned off i stood over her and lifted up he leg , my mate turned on the lamp and my hand was covered in blood (Ohhhhh Fcukkk) rang an old hare coursing man i know he said just go home clean it out
  11. Well said! Nobody should buy a whippet thinking of going out and getting a couple of hares regularly, but i am buying another Whippet from Coursing lines lagana/mike brown etc not because i intend on looking for hares but because on the off chance i see one the dog will be slipped and because my ma wont let me have big donkeys of things
  12. Do you do this every time after you go out if not in what situation would you di it , ei 10runs
  13. How would you bolt it on if you had a lithium
  14. Does anybody know does using different filters on rabbits make a difference if so can anybody recommend what colours toodle dooo
  15. Dont go out with them mate because if its the way they do it over here, my dog get a run then his dog get a run and so on, plus you can go were you like when out on your own take as long as you like, find some good spots and keep them to yourself
  16. As death by dog said were still sneaking about as usual, I was out last night doing a bit of lamping up around a big farm when i was walking down the lane to go to my next field with rabbit i said to my mate hurry up and get down this lane incase we get caught , then seen lights of a big pick-up driving up the lane he stopped and said well young fella how are you getting on any rabbits? i was like aye was doing a wee bita lamping there you dont mind do ye? he said no not at all sure come up tomorow and i will take you around to show you all the good place about my place
  17. got my terramycin blue spray in my vets
  18. heres mine good ferreting dog very good in the hedges and made her 2nd kill out lamping with me the other night just starting to bring her on lamping
  19. No bother to you anyway DONALD TRUMP
  20. If your gonna be running that dog you should get them dew claws removed
  21. yes mate you can but they have to be screwed on so you carn't just take the filter off like you can with the lightforce yes you screw on the housing which the filter is attached then you can just flip the filter up or down
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