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Everything posted by labstaff

  1. I tend to buy then as for a fiver the quality can't be beat (if you buy somewhere like quest or sporting saint!). I used to buy cheap dummies but they just fell apart. Also look at the working dog Co. dummies. There a bit pricier but really good. Help the dog to learn to hold properly.
  2. Pleased to hear the op went well, hopefully the healing stage will be a breeze and soon be out shooting again!
  3. Welcome, i've only just joined, but already decided this is a great forum!!!! Sure you will too
  4. Joe Irvings "Gundogs-Their Learning Chain". Probably the best gundog book i've read.
  5. I'm going to go against the grain a little here, for my lab I use a acme 212 as it gives a more consistant pitch. However, I don't think it matters too much if you use a different whistle pitch as I would expect a dog to listen to verbal commands given by different people (therefore different tones and pitches) and obey the command!
  6. I'd agree with the above advice, start shooting and see what you do the most of. I love my labs but if your rough shooting and walking round then i'd say a spaniel is better.
  7. My old lab had something similar and the vets original diagnosis was mastitis and was given a course of anti-biotics. This initially worked and reduced the lump but it soon came back. The vet decided to remove the lump and was still convinced it was mastitis but sent it off for pathology as a precaution. Results came back and it was cancer. Unfortuneatly she died a short time after as nothing could be done (sorry I don't mean to upset you, hopefully yours is something different and can be sorted). Bloody broke my heart.
  8. I'd say save your money and look round for a second hand TX200 also. Quality guns!
  9. I borrow me old mans MFR (when he lets me!) cracking bit of kit. I'd be interested to try one at FAC level though.
  10. The ranges on the objective lens (or side wheels on some scopes) tend to be different to what you actually get as everyones eyes are different. I occasionally shoot field target and cover over the numbers and re-mark it. Basically, I set targets every 5 yards and when the scope clears mark that on the scope. Its more accurate with higher mag scopes as they will "cut in and out" quicker. But for hunting, I find a good average and leave it at that, don't want to be messing around with the scope when aiming at a bunny!
  11. Hi, I'm Leigh from Derbyshire. I keep ferrets, enjoy training my lab and pigeon decoying.
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