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Rat face

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Everything posted by Rat face

  1. its a good show and lets hope for good weather. everyone should turn out to support there local club
  2. exactly it didnt affect them at that point so we stood alone. now the antis are hitting shoots and fishing is coming more under the spotlight. now we should all stand united? together? bit late for that i think? not having a dig at you buddy just my thoughts on the matter
  3. i didnt see the fishing community standing up with the dog lads last time or the shooters
  4. i think the best thing is just keep on going the way we are and try keep within the law the best you can, because all trying to over turn the ban would do is bring a load of unwanted attention on the hunting world again, and all that what would be in the papers and news would be another load of anti propaganda bull sh@t. things could quite easily end up a lot worse for the terrier game than they are at the mo, there is more than one way to skin a cat and going for a complete over turn of the ban would end bad
  5. i think they did something like that a few years ago to raise money for a good cause but i think it was more the women of the hunting life if you get me
  6. not slagging the breed off but what would they bring to the table that any other well bred uk terrier cant? if i was going to go to effort to import a terrier i would bring a terrier over from the states, they seem to have taken some of the old uk lines over there and really tested them on a number of game . just my opinion tho
  7. Rat face

    Done It

    one day, one day that will be me. happy day bud and best of luck
  8. is that the dog you had with you at earth dog last year?
  9. cheers for all your help lads, the lad has now got all the info he needed
  10. Putting this up for a mate Does anyone recognise this bitch? It will be coming up 3 this September, the bitch was bought by a lad from Rochdale called Darren. The bitch was not the first dog he picked out the litter, he picked another one out at first but he had to take it back with a bad foot. My mates not 100% sure but he thinks the dog originally came from Stoke way. My mate is looking for the guy who bred her, she is a bull gray to bull gray any help would be great, pm if preferred.
  11. thats the problem with playing wales if you give them a penalty halfpenny will put it threw the sticks even from the halfway line. hes a fantastic player
  12. it was a very good game one of the best i have seen in ages,i was cheering the welsh on!! shame england are not going to give us a game as good
  13. Last week was our last weekend out more just to show our faces to the farmers than anything else. All the earths were well kicked out by vixens looking for the right spot to have their young in so fingers crossed that the summer time hunters don't find them, there should be plenty of sport around for next year. Its been a good season not dug tonnes but had some good days out with some good mates, and that's what it is all about for me, seeing dogs work well not the numbers game, now its time to get smartened up and get around the farms and do some door knocking for some more land to go at next
  14. them groups are good for one thing and thats getting you banged up, there watched to f##k and used to build a case on people, just my opinion though
  15. thats the one buddy that spot where they are is not very far from me, i have it on dvd it came with a book i got, the lad just gets the dog out and it all drops down was a close call that lol Yes, it worth seeing and I still have the video. There's a few surprising comments on it by some of the big names in the hunting game. I can't find the report of the rescue I mentioned that cost big money , I think it might have been in EDRD that I read it. However, I did have a quick look in the 1999 - 2000 yearbook and the F. & M W T C expenditure on rescues that year was £2,224 (in '98 it wa
  16. all good names in the lakes them my dogs have a little cowan in them so i was told be hard little things then with cowan blood in them, my father always said the cowan dogs was always hard as iron but would nail owt that moved
  17. its rare you see that type around anymore up on some leg and a nice narrow chest with a good wire like coat on them. well you do but its only in the summer in the show ring lol
  18. sounds like hard work pal but well worth it
  19. Fair play Craggers for putting that together. To those who work rocks in the Lakes etc. do they still enter 2, 3 and 4 terriers at a time ? Or has the locator changed this ? Why were several terriers entered at once ? Was it to worry the fox quicker or was it to guide the diggers to the fox the same way a lot of old badger diggers used to use a few terriers at a time to find the tube that the badger was actually in ? Also how many of these legendary fox slayers would have been getting help back in the day or was using more than one terrier an exception rather than the rule ? i woudnt
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