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Rat face

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Everything posted by Rat face

  1. andy there is a video going around on one of the sites of the dancing bull x judge i will see if froggy will put it up. and im on with learning dido bendigo as we speak so next year the singing is on haha see you next year adam
  2. when you look at him face on you can really his dam in him, if he turn out anything like her you will have a cracking dog on you hands pal
  3. was a cracking day was well worth the 4 hr trip down, was my first trip down with the yorkshire boys and loved it and the craic in the pub after was even better, roll on next year. atb adam
  4. he looks really well pal hes gonna be a big strong dog
  5. i know what you mean its a nice piece in a strange way, but i wouldn't own it tho
  6. thanks for that lutra i will defo give that a read, just ordered try back 2 just hoping its as good as the first one its just somthing i would really like to try even in a part time role, who knows whats around the corner
  7. she is strong and well set but shes only small pal a bit too small really and gets pushed about a bit, but she has the hart of a lion
  8. just out of interest dose anyone now or in the past ever worked in hunt service and how did you hear about the post, now i know some information doesn't want plastering all over the web so pm if preferred, just wondering whats its like from people that have actually done it and what role did you start in, atb adam
  9. i would defo have one but the end of the day it's a jacker, one day it might stay 20 mins next week 10 and the next week after it might not even fancy working at all and just walk past an accompanied earth because its hart isnt a 100% in its job. just my opinion on the matter they are a handy tool i the right situation, but in the back of my mind i would be always doubting the dog because you cant trust a dog whats not a 100% committed to its work
  10. let them screen shot this the dirty unwashed c##ts
  11. tut tut your very quick to label every one the same arnt you, when i go up your way its always on permission bud and i will guarantee you we are no trench merchants and i have never stepped a foot in leeds with a dog in my life. but you have got me on the tracky bottoms and trainers you can beat them for comfort but on a serious note you shouldn't be so judgmental about some one until you know who your talking to pal,
  12. looks like it would be a handy thing to work on the rocks, i like that stamp of dog, nice
  13. feel free to pop down are end and repay the favor, if anyone asks say i said your ok
  14. not waterproof but best hard wearing pants mole skins by far
  15. them 20 min dogs are spot on until that day comes when they choose to stay all day long and its always when they are in a big dirty spot on the edge of a football field or somewhere your not meant to be
  16. big thanks to everyone that turned out yesterday to support the club, it was a cracking day with a good turn out and some nice working dogs on show and to top it off over £200 was raised for charity from raffles,hound bored and the auction. so big thanks to everyone and hopefully see you all again next year rat face
  17. its a good day, just lets hope the weather good
  18. are they a local pack to the north west buddy?
  19. fell and moorland working terrier club mid lancs area are holding there annual show on the 7th of june at the summit inn todmorden road, littleborough OL15 9LY all the usual classes for the lurchers and terriers judging starts at 1pm come down and show your support for your local club,
  20. yes mate all the usual classes bud plus whippets
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