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Milwr Jr.

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Everything posted by Milwr Jr.

  1. Meh. If you want a film about 'Nam, chuck the Deer Hunter on.
  2. Sacrilege. PS3 user i take it? Mhm. For me, it's the only console. Although which console you use doesn't really matter, aside from aesthetically and a few minor technical differences there's no real difference between the two.
  3. and virgins Having had sex being the standard unit of measurement in measuring adulthood.
  4. Congratulations. But I don't think the topic is called "Would cookiemonsterandmerlin rather hunt live, or virtual prey". Miller: I'm a child ? You do know the majority of gamers are above 25... technically ADULTS.
  5. Any of you guys bought it ? The hunting is amazing on it, far better than RDR. Edited In: Here's a bit of hunting gameplay, it's shit quality (apologies):
  6. Nissan Skyline R34 GTR, factory blue with Momo rims.
  7. That's a nice little page. I've just joined (or sent a request I suppose). I'm in the market for a new gun too.
  8. Had a similar experience when I was a kid. Some old bitch up the street had a grudge against me and my cousin, anyway long story short she claimed me and him smashed her window with a brick when I was tucked up in bed with the shits all day and night and my cousin was somewhere else entirely. The c**t that came to my door told me that an old lady's word will always be believed over that of two teens. And they wonder why they're spat at on the street and called every offensive name under the sun, the f*****g c**ts.
  9. Milwr Jr.


    "You look good, I bet you want my cock in you" "Dave", my wife replied "I can hear you on the baby monitor"
  10. Already series linked the f****r. It's the only thing on TV I actually take the time out to watch. I've got the first two on DVD, it's strange how much more you see when you watch them the second time through.
  11. Yes he means Cruel - easy spelling error to make You'd think so, but after browsing this site and others such as facebook/bebo/forums etc.. you'll find that the general level of grammar amongst forum dwellers and facebook fanatics is appauling. It seems that 95% of the so called english speaking members of various websites and forums can no longer actually write the language correctly. Which is simply incredulous. you honestly coming on here to give us an english lesson?? if you also look on facebook and forum dwellers a large population of them aint even english :hmm: Hence "so
  12. Yes he means Cruel - easy spelling error to make You'd think so, but after browsing this site and others such as facebook/bebo/forums etc.. you'll find that the general level of grammar amongst forum dwellers and facebook fanatics is appauling. It seems that 95% of the so called english speaking members of various websites and forums can no longer actually write the language correctly. Which is simply incredulous.
  13. 2-3 weeks into my first year at comprehensive school. Ysgol Gyfun Cymer y Rhondda.
  14. Submission my arsehole! We were conquered yes, but the armies doing the conquering where 3/4 made up of Welshmen.. What long shanks realised was that while we like a scrap, we're not particularly fussy about who we scrap with and used it to his advantage.. What he conquered wasn't a united country, it was a country made up of the last of the true native Britons who were still prone to dividing up into tribes.. What happened to your ancient Brythonic native folk - the Picts? Oh yeah, that's right they were invaded and bred out by the Gaels from Ireland and their culture disappeared in the space
  15. I'm as cheery as the next guy, I was just givin' it to the man straight. I mean, he might aswell hear it from me, 'cause the f*****g British tourist board isn't going to tell him. Just thought he might like to know what he's in for is all.
  16. Why would you want to move here ? It isn't like our politicians are any better than yours. We have immigrations problems too, we're saddled with record debt and deficit. Hell the only f*****g difference between us and you these days is mass of land (and all that goes with it: you have more debt, more immigration). You'd be better off learning Chinese and waiting for them to march across the world, cleansing it.
  17. Milwr Jr.

    kates funbags

    Meh, they aren't even that good.
  18. That breakfast gave me a semi.
  19. I can't wait until the muslims take over the world, then I'll be the one flying planes into their largest mosques, I'll be the one cutting this faggots head off on camera, and I'll be the one who kills muslims on sight.
  20. The Paralympics: Our chance to show the world that our spastics are more spastic than their spastics.
  21. Now, I know a lot of you aren't gamers but for those in the community that are: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5IVOs5Pxh8 What do you think of it ?
  22. My old man doesn't drink anymore. Been off it about 3-4 years I think.
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