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Milwr Jr.

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Everything posted by Milwr Jr.

  1. Any of you lot follow the snooker ? Any takers on who's looking on form for the win ?
  2. Yes, one of my favorite films. An awesome take on the western.
  3. If it's a zombie apocalypse I'm tooling up for I'd want the Steyr AUG. You've got the close quarters capability coupled with excellent medium-long range fire. f**k the shotty or the rifle, I'll take automatic fire for the undead.
  4. 6th of Feb am told it starts back up Al be watching it that's for sure When it's on it's usually the only thing on my viewing schedule.
  5. I'm waiting for The Walking Dead to start back up after the mid-season, but FOX has thrown out "Mob City" which I gave a go the other night, has the makings of a nice little series in it.
  6. Anarcho-Communism, no God, no State... no problem.
  7. I haven't read the previous eleven pages so I might be repeating something someone has already said: I don't see why there can't be a divide in time between outdoors and inside. Technology progresses by the day, kids are at the age where they can absorb incredible amounts of information, so they should be introduced to many technologically advanced computing devices because they will play a bigger part in their futures than they have thus far. Having said that, I do also believe that children should be active, and actively seeking to exercise/etc. So I would greatly encourage that asp
  8. He's a prick is what he is Some silly cnut rated him as the modern day shakespear or some such nonsense...just a white boy desperatley wanting to be black..kinda sad really You left out: and pulling it off.
  9. "Cenedl heb iaith, cenedl heb galon".
  10. I have no proof but Stan would be what I put my money on. Besides, anything after the Marshall Mathers LP sucked.
  11. Depends on your perspective: He is in the sense that he's a Briton living in the United States. But the inhabitants of the United States themselves were simply immigrants who didn't want to pay taxes, and thus committed treason to expel us. So one could argue that is the Americans themselves who are the immigrants.
  12. Wow, you've got us down, to a tee.
  13. How are they a good idea? The problems are multiculturalism and multiracialism,the solution is annoy Muslims slightly? A public interest group trying to voice some issues that they feel passionately about.And the problem isn't multiculturalism, it's the Re-Islamification of Europe. You don't see the Polish beheading their women for cheating. Nor did we see the African or West Indie immigrants in the 70's protesting against British Soldiers. The other non Europeans aren't as obvious a threat to our race but IMO that probably makes them worse,because in PC Britain it's becoming more acceptab
  14. How are they a good idea? The problems are multiculturalism and multiracialism,the solution is annoy Muslims slightly? A public interest group trying to voice some issues that they feel passionately about.And the problem isn't multiculturalism, it's the Re-Islamification of Europe. You don't see the Polish beheading their women for cheating. Nor did we see the African or West Indie immigrants in the 70's protesting against British Soldiers. The other non Europeans aren't as obvious a threat to our race but IMO that probably makes them worse,because in PC Britain it's becoming more accepta
  15. How are they a good idea? The problems are multiculturalism and multiracialism,the solution is annoy Muslims slightly? A public interest group trying to voice some issues that they feel passionately about. And the problem isn't multiculturalism, it's the Re-Islamification of Europe. You don't see the Polish beheading their women for cheating. Nor did we see the African or West Indie immigrants in the 70's protesting against British Soldiers.
  16. Meh, the EDL are a good idea, poorly marketed.
  17. I was split over weather or not to put it up because of the sales pitch at the end, but f**k it, the points it raises are still valid.
  18. yer but on a lighter note I'm going to the coast at the weekend lol. Swings and roundabouts, eh.
  19. I'm no investor, nor do I have a sizeable amount of savings, but this is worrying. Our debt is bigger or on par with some of the worst financial crisis of modern history. I really feel for the poor fuckers who'll have everything (not just their house prices or savings), EVERYTHING taken from them at the mere swipe of the chancellors Montblanc.
  20. Take a look at this. It's long, but worth it. http://pro.moneyweek.com/myk-eob-tpr123/PMYKP703/ Incredible.
  21. Meh. Harmless fun. We all have a stab at each other now and then. I've lost count of the times I've been up to visit family in England and had: Do you have electricity up there yet ? And I reply in kind: Oh, how did the 30-3 Welsh defeat taste ? We all have a go, the people of these isles will always abuse each other, but when it's balls to the wall, we all stand together to fight foreign enemies.
  22. Don't know about looks, but Welsh sluts are some of the finest on the planet.
  23. Because, for decades they were the only viable opposition to the Conservative party. Then they got in power and slowly cluster-f****d this country, which put an end to their popularity. But, as with any political organization, they can clean house and get some new faces up top and call it progress, and people are stupid enough to believe it.
  24. I'll vote for the party that's either 1) at the bottom of the page, or 2) the least known on the page.
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